A past long remembered

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Y/n had just moved to New York in hopes of a new life. I had moved to my new house a couple days ago after school let out. Everything was already unpacked and placed where it should be. It was now night time and I were lying in bed waiting for sleep to take over my mind now wondering back in time.

I've had no family to call my own since I could remember. Not long after I was born these strange men came and killed my parents taking me away for lab experiments. They took me into an underground facility and injected me with all kinds of mutant attributes to see what would grow with my DNA. Some were canceled out by each other while some fused together to create something stronger. I showed signed of potential around my second year there. I could already walk and talk like a normal person. However that meant the training started too. They locked me up in a cell and made me quickly learn my place. Every time I asked a question or began to cry they would whip me until I bled. After a few days of that they had broken and defeated me. Then the real training began. They were raising me to be an assassin. Knowing how to hack every piece of equipment out there, speak every foreign language throughout the world, and even how to kill people with weapons and fighting techniques. Every once and awhile I would step out of line by their individual rules and be beaten for it but when that happened I wouldn't cry or yell in pain because I never really felt it. I couldn't feel anything anymore.

The scientists there though were my least favorite. They would bring me in almost every day for their needles to prick through your skin. By the age of 5 I had strength like the hulk, a healing factor like deadpool but doesn't leave any scars, more skilled of a spy than black widow, heighten senses, fly, and so much more. But my signature power was that I could manipulated the shadows. Of course my  kidnappers didn't know that. I practiced every day in secret perfecting my skills.

At age 7 I had practically mastered all my powers. By this time they were taking me on missions first as a translator but then as a bodyguard. On missions alone I either did spy work or was an assassin someone had hired. At first they would have people survey me on these mission to see if I would run for help or something. I wasn't as stupid as they would believe at the time. When I was sent to kill the person would disappear and I would come back with their blood on something of mine but they never died. After awhile they let me go alone but not before implanting a tracker into my skin. They always knew where I was but that didn't bother me to much because a power I developed was that I could manipulate machinery. Though I never needed to use it so that was a secret power of mine.

A couple of year later my shadow powers had improved rather quickly to the point of now or never. This was my one and only chance I had to run. I knew if I couldn't make it then they would kill me or to the break of it. I spent weeks watching and waiting for the best time.

I can still remember that day or what I can of that day. The scientists had come in with a needle like usual. His shoes were squeaky so I knew it was raining outside. He injected me with the serum and something in me just snapped. It went dark for me all I could hear were screams of men and women. The echoing for squeaky shoes and heels in panicked runs. Objects hitting walls and floors, glass breaking, and thunder roaring. The next I see is bodies lying in the ground and rain poring in from the outside windows. The color red painted the dark grey walls like it was the first color on the walls and the first color on my once fully black clothes. My body moved on its own knowing what to do before I ordered it to. I took all the files on every computer there stripping them clean along with the cameras, unable for any technology in that building to work ever again. Next every paper their was set ablaze leaving the building soon on fire. I just stood there in the center of it all trying to think of what had happened to me before to cause such chaos. The sound of sirens and screeching tires woke me from my trance. Dropping the last of the papers that held my info on them into the fire I used my shadows to transport me somewhere, anywhere but here.

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