Chapter Three.

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Haven't updated in a while and then got a request on my wall from an awesome person! :)

This chapter is dedicated to that awesome person.


The day continued to progress as usual with me blending into the background in the classes that I didn't have with Amanda, who was still annoyed with the fact that she got in trouble. I managed to see the new boy a couple of times and smiled in his direction the first time though after getting no response but a glance gave up. He had been nice to me when he was saying sorry which was probably the only reason he spoke to her, he didn't want to look like an idiot.

At lunch I managed to escape the gaze of Valerie as she search for cheerleaders, the whole weekend she hadn't left me alone about it and I wasn't in the mood to be badgered about it again or I might just stab her with a pencil. Wouldn't do much beside jab her but it was the easiest thing to do if I had to...

I was just leaving the library when I got crashed into, making me step back and hit my head against the wall. Groaning, I slid down until I was sitting on the ground with my books fallen out of my bag. Whoever it was leant down to help me but I collected them all up before they could crouch down properly and stood up straight so I was looking down at them. "I'm really sorry, do you need any help?" said the figure, which told me it was a boy. I almost gasped when I saw that it was the boy from gym and that he had yet again made me fall over, what a jerk. Giving him no chance to see who I was or apologize some more I walked off, carrying my books awkwardly. First he hits me with a ball, after he ignores me and then he goes knocks me over!

My raging thoughts and quick pace made me not notice at first that Amanda was walking behind me as she tried to get my attention until she practically screamed in my ear, "Earth to Rosie!" I jumped around to find her standing there with her hand on her hip. "Finally! I thought you had gone death by the amount of times I said you name, we got last period still, remember?" Amanda raised an eyebrow and motioned for me to look around, when I did I found myself at the front exit of the school that led to the car park.

"Sorry" I mumbled, joining arms with her as we to our next lesson, History. Mr Simon was a really funny teacher who let us sit where we want and mess around while he walked around the classroom giving out help, I think that was why everybody listened to him because he didn't expect them to. I think that if I was going to be a teacher I would teach history as when we listen to the facts I find some of it really interesting, I even make small stories of them in my head which is kind of sad but nobody knows about it.

"Rosie, are you okay? You look a bit pale and seem to be wondering off abit" Mr Simon said from beside me, I looked up to see his concerned face and nodded with a small smile before continuing with my work on a World War poster. Amanda nudged me in the arm, making me do a mistake, and kept whispering my name. "What?" I turned my head to look at her with narrowed eyes, annoyed as she continued to nudge at me while pointing to the desk across the room obviously. Rolling my eyes, I looked in the direction to meet the gaze of the 'new' boy whos name I still didn't know.

Amanda looked between us as I looked away, "do you know him? He keeps looking over here, his been doing it for the whole lesson" she told me as she looked at me suspiciously, I shook my head and shrugged when she gave me a face that meant she didn't believe me.

"He hit me in the face with a ball in P.e and we had an accident where he crashed into me after lunch, I don't know him and I don't want to" I whispered to her, trying to be inconspicuous by continuing with my work as she watched me.

She gasped and gripped my arm with her claws digging into my flesh. "How can you say that, have you seen him? His absolutely gorgeous and those green eyes! If you don't want him then I am definitely going to introduce myself" she gushed, looking at me for a response. I gave her a simple flick of my hand motioning for her to be my guest and watched from the corner of my eye as she jumped up out of her seat and made her way towards him.

Amanda sat in the empty seat beside him and stuck her hand out in a greeting, which he took and kissed. I watched as she blushed and they started chatting but stopped when Amanda gave me a thumbs up when he wasn't looking, if they dated then there would be the horrible chance that Amanda would desert me but I trusted her more then that.

She stayed over at his desk for the rest of the lesson and didn't once come to talk to me as she chatted away with him, her laughter seemed to travel round the classroom and most girls seemed to be watching them curiously. Boys occassionally went up to the desk to talk but they always left after a while when they were over with what they wanted to say.

I was beginning to feel left out which was quite childish but this was one of the only classes I had with Amanda and she hadn't talk to me for more then half an hour. My poster was finished so I couldn't talk to her as we waited for class to finish, I had to sit on my own and watch everyone else have fun.

The bell rang and I stood up, grabbing my already packed school bag and pulling it onto my shoulder. Using all my courage I walked up to them as they were saying goodbye, "you coming Amanda?" I asked with a smile, she looked from me to the new boy with a frown.

"Hey Rosie, err, I was thinking of catching a ride with Nathan, sorry" she told me, giving me a sheepish smile. I stared at her before pressing my lips together and nodding, I tightened my hold on my bag and turned of my heel to walk away, it was already starting.

Tomorrow she would either be completely ignoring me or she would be begging for forgiveness and as bad as it sounded I hoped it was the second, at least then I wouldn't lose my friend. My phone beeped and I saw that the text was from Amanda who was trailing behind me with 'Nathan', she was watching me look at my phone so I purposely put it back in my bag without looking at the text. Friends don't drop friends for boys. Her faced dropped and I had to turn around so that I wouldn't go up to her and apologize, my pace quickened and I got to the bus stop early. I should have maybe slowed down because as I waited there I saw as Amanda climbed into his silver car and drove pass me.

My phone beeped again and I opened it up when I saw that she was no longer able to see me. The first text I had gotten from her was a simple sorry, but the second was a detailed message about how much she liked Nathan when I didn't want to know. I don't know why but I just didn't like Nathan when I hadn't even properly got to know him.

Just because he basically rejected you, your jealous, my conscious added. I frowned to myself, angry, and mentally slapped myself when I thought about it. He did not reject me and I am not jealous because I don't like him. He is rude and has a habbit of knocking girls over, especially me. 


Sorry if you didn't like it but I hope you did. This story will definitely be finished, just thought you would like to know as none of my stories will be left unfinished. It may take a while of updating until I am happy enough to put the ending but there will be one so just stay with me :')

Remember to:


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2011 ⏰

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