Chapter One.

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***Eight years later***

I was almost positive that I had been adopted. I looked nothing like my sisters, mum or dad. They were all super model material where as I was the odd one out, an ugly duckling in a family of swans. Not only am I reminded how beautiful they are by seeing them at home, but all of my friends and the school think they are. Loads of people want to be like them or be their friends, even use me just so they can come to my house and talk to them. Plus, they weren't even horrible, they were nice, kind and are always good at comforting people so I couldn't even hate them properly.

I groaned as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my brown hair was a complete mess and was greasy. Not only that but I had a small spot on my nose, not too noticable but I was definitely going to need to use concealer as it was a bright pink. I glared at the girl in the mirror, angry at how she couldn't be perfect no matter how many times she had a make over. And like always, the girl glared back with her boring brown eyes.

Deciding that insulting myself was going to make me late for school, I turned away from the mirror and walked into my bathroom to have a cold shower. Cold showers were the best and they always made me feel better about myself as it made me feel unique when I would think how not many people have cold showers. Normal people like hot, almost boiling, showers or baths with loads of bubbles and fragranced foam, where I don't.

Once I had finished my shower I walked out in a white, fluffy towel and rummaged through my wardrobe trying to find something comfortable that wouldn't make me feel fat or ugly. I ended up with a navy blue baggy top that had some band name on and a pair of black skinny jeans, I then threw on some navy high top converse. When I looked back in the mirror I was disappointed, like always, that the ugly duckling hadn't miraculously transformed into a beautiful white swan. The only difference was that my hair was now clean and I was dressed with my spot completely unnoticable.

Before I could even think of some insults to throw at myself, I speed walked to my bedroom door and down the hall to the stairs. I was at the bottom step when I heard the sound of my mums voice, "yes, that is fine! I just need this family picture taken and I want it at the studio not at my home... No, not at my home! I don't care if I will have to pay more to use the studio, my family needs the best" she said, I looked through the doorway and saw that she was on her mobile. "Erm... There will be four people" I frowned, there was five of us. Mum, Dave, Serena, Valerie and Me. "No, no more. Just me, my husband and my two daughters... Yes they are absolutely gorgeous" she told whoever was on the phone. She did a little laugh and it stabbed at my heart... My own mum just disowned me in a family photoshoot. Of course, by gorgeous daughters she meant Serena and Valerie as they were and I now know that she thinks that I would ruin a photo.

Serena didn't even live with us anymore, she had moved out last year on her ninteenth birthday and was now twenty and living with her boyfriend Jamie. They were pretty serious but I couldn't see them having kids, well definitely not yet, as Serena had always said how she was not going to damage her body like that until she was much older and even then she would go on a special routine and diet.

Where as Valerie had already turned eighteen and was planning to go to college soon, but it didn't matter that she wasn't going to my school anymore as people would still remember her for all the pictures of her up in school while cheerleading. She had boys falling over at her feet, she wasn't a slut or anything but it was true. She had the same view on children as Serena.

Since we all had two years between us, I was sixteen and yet I was the one who couldn't wait to have children when I was at the right age and with the right person. Our personalities were completely different, I had a temper that could get out of hand, I wasn't gorgeous, I prefered comfortable clothes and I liked to write stories that I hoped would get published so that I could become a writer. Or even a book editor.

"Okay, bye" my mum hanged up and walked out the living room to find me standing there staring at her. She opened her mouth and then shut it with thinking feature on, wondering whether I had heard what was going on?

"I hope you all have a great photoshoot and i'm sure that it is going to be a wonderful photo, seeing as I won't be there to ruin it" I smiled innocently at her and then walked past her out the door without another word. I skipped past the shiny cars and completely ignored my own red ferrari 458 spider, unlike my sisters I wasn't going to live off my families money. I didn't use the expensive cars and tried to only use the essentials, so instead I took the bus to school.

I took off in a quick pace to the bus stop and waited until it arrived, but when it did I just sat in an empty seat fidgeting until some old lady came and sat next to me. "Hello dear" her vioce sounded sweet and she smelled of perfume and peaches. I smiled back at her and put my iPod in my bag so as not to be rude.

"Hello, are you okay?" I asked, her face was soft and she looked young in her own way even with the wrinkled and small hands. Her body was small and she was wearing a loose, black skirt that went under her knees, a white short shoulder sleeved shirt with skin coloured tights and pink flats with a fluffy, pink cotton cardigan.

She smiled sweetly at me and loosened her hold on her pink handbag slightly, "I'm wonderful, but you look like you are sad, what could make a natural beautiful girl like yourself so sad?" she asked and her blue eyes sparkled, you could tell that when she was younger she was a beautiful woman.

I had no idea why, but I ended up telling her what I had heard and how I felt with my family. She nodded her head in understanding and even patted my hand when I was close to tears, she really listened and even gave me some comforting words. "It's alright and you shouldn't worry about your mother, if she wants to act like that then it will be her lose when your grown up and only visit her on christmas" she told me with a single nod of her head. I smiled at her and sighed when we had pulled up by the school. "Well I guess you need to get to school, little lady. It was nice talking to you and it would be nice to see you tomorrow" I smiled at her and watched her wave at me as the bus pulled away, while I waved back.

"You really need to stop making friends with random old ladies" said a voice and I turned around to see Amanda, my bestfriend. We were so different apart from the fact that we are both strange and say weird things.

I grinned and pulled her into a hug, "she was really nice and it was only this once... That old man didn't count because he was yelling at me for accidently tripping over his stick, I was the one who got hurt and he was acting as if it was him who fell into the road and nearly got ran over" I frowned in irritation.

She burst out into laughter and hugged me back tightly, "we better get to class or Mrs Husband-cheated-on-her-last-week will get all detention on us" I gasped at what she said and she slowly nodded her head. Poor Mrs Branchlin...

"How? When? And who the hell told you?" I asked, pulling away from the hug and my eyes wide with shock. Mrs Branchlin had been the worst to us all last year and was always trying to give us a detention, but I didn't expect that her actions were coming from the ruin of her relationship.

"Well, it wasn't just anybody... It was her sister! Of course I would know, she lives on my road and i'm pretyy sure that everybody could hear their shouting. Oh, she is going to be such a pain in the butt and it's going to be worse then last year... Don't give me that look" Amanda sounded so calm and didn't seem to care about it, but as soon as I gave her a wide eyed stare she frowned at me with a roll of her eyes.

With a huff, I turned around and pulled her with me to the school. I didn't like seeing my sister pull up in her fast car and be surrounded with people to just start basically making out with her boyfriend. "Come on, we might as well get this over with" I was nervous as to how Mrs Branchlin would react, it must have been really hard on her... I would hate it if something like that happened to me with somebody I had loved and trusted.


A/N:  What do you think?

Im tired as hell and had to stay away from my beautiful little dog as he has fleas :/ Yuck!

So, hope you enjoy this!!! <3 :')

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