Romeo & Juliet? Pt. 1

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I woke up and stretched my sore bones, and wings... wait. Oh right, still getting used to those. I had a bad headache, the back of my left calf was burning, and my right wing was sore in the place where it almost snapped. I couldn't remember near to anything from yesterday. Except the words, I promise. "I promise what?" I thought aloud. I heard a quiet knock on the door. I folded my wings into my back bindings, and sat up. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Come in," I answered softly. The door opened with a small creak and Laurance walked in.

"Hey, how do you feel?" He smiled slightly. I took notice of the crutch in his hand. "You ready to head home?"

"Ye..." I stopped and felt bile rise in my throat. I tried to swallow it down, but it pushed its way out and onto the floor. I whipped my mouth and whimpered. "That sucked."

"Looked like it," Laurance chuckled. He walked over to me, and helped me to my feet.

"Thanks." I sighed. He handed me in the crutch. "What's this for?"

"Your leg. You only need to use it for a couple days, but you'll be fine. You just needed twenty stitches."


"Hey, be happy you didn't lose your wing."

"Thanks. That makes me feel much better." I joked. "Can we go check on Travis, then go home? I either want to hang with Katie or sleep, or both."

"Sure... how did you know about Travis?"

"I don't know. It just... slipped out. What happened yesterday? The last thing I remember was sitting in the back of a car. Your car with Travis and Garroth... oh my Irene. Garroth. Is he okay?"

"Fine, sprained arm, but was fixed by simple magyks." I looked at my hands shakily.

"Laurance. Do you think my magyks could..."

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself Babe," he said pulling my hands into his. I smiled a small smile.

"I want to try."

"Do you remember what happened when you went crazy on Christmas?"

"Not really. Why?"

"You almost killed me... you were acting stupid-"

"Stupid!? What is that supposed to mean? I didn't even know what I was doing Laurance. I'm sorry Garroth told me I poisoned you, I'm sorry. You're still here and alive, I don't know why you're calling me stupid!" I yelled. I looked at his face and saw fear. I look at my hands and saw they were glowing a brilliant purple. A lock of my now purple hair fell in my face, my feathered wings brushed my arms. "I'm sorry for raising my voice. I'll just get my own ride, and I don't want to see you tonight." I said then I walked out of the room with a slight limp. I brushed tears out of my eyes as I walked down the hall to room 105... I don't know how I just thought my answer would be in here. I knocked on the door, but heard no answer. I opened the door crack and sighed as I saw an adorable sight.

Katelyn was lying her head on the bed, her hand was entwined in Travis' and he rested his head on the back board. I smiled and hobbled over to them. I tapped Katelyn's shoulder. "Hey sleeping beauty," I teased. I giggled as she lifted her drool crusted face.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?"

"Just asking for a ride."

"Oh I came here with Laurance... I think it was in your (Vehicle)," she yawned. I cursed under my breath.

"Do you have the keys?"

"Yeah, Laurance dropped them when Dante, Laurence and I were on the way in and I snatched them up. Didn't want anyone taking them."

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