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Hello, my gorgeous readers!

I am so sorry that I am always taking so long to update. I just feel like there is never a right time to write. Every time I plan to, my family wants to spend time with me and who am I to deny them that?

Anyways, I am here now and ready to come at you with the epilogue! I am so excited to write this, but I am also sad because this is the VERY last chapter of The Other Team. However, that just means I am that much closer to writing the first chapter of my new book, Social Casualty

I am sorry that I keep self-promoting; I am just so stoked to be starting it soon.

With all of that said, prepare yourselves for the last chapter.


Word Count: 1272


*Louis' POV*

*the day of the wedding*

I am currently nervous as hell. Millions of butterflies are zooming through my tummy, fluttering up a storm inside me that creates an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. On top of that, I am also all sweaty and shaky. No matter what I do, I can't rid myself of this anxiety. However, I know that it will all be over once Marcel and I are married.

"Honey, everything will be fine," my mum assures me.

"Fine? How could it be fine? I feel like I am about to throw up," I groan in distress.

"Don't be so nervous, darling. You're just having pre-wedding jitters. It happens to all of us. But I assure you that once you get out there and you see Marcel come down that aisle, everything will fall into place and you will have the perfect wedding," she smiles encouragingly.

"You really think so?" I ask, starting to ease up a bit.

"I know so," she nods insistently.

*meanwhile in Marcel's dressing room*

I am almost sure I am sweating through my tux as I pace around the room, shaking uncontrollably. I can't breathe properly, so I keep taking in quick, sharp breaths. I won't let anyone near me and if they try to touch me, it just gets worse. Some would say I'm a mess, but I've been through this before. I just need Louis. Of course, I can't seem him yet because it's damn bad luck. I may not even make it through this wedding. I'm just too scared.

"What if Louis decides that he doesn't love me anymore and flees the wedding? What if this was all just a cruel joke on me? What if someone ruins the wedding? What if that someone is me?" I question between pants, going into full-on panic mode.

"Marcel? Marcel, hey. Look at me," Zayn instructs gently, stepping in front of me to force me to stop pacing.

"Wh-What?" I ask, my voice cracking as I feel my eyes fill up with hot tears.

"Everything will be okay. Louis loves you way too much to do that to you, alright? I've seen it. He'd do anything to make you happy and he could never let you down like that. Okay? Nothing will ruin this wedding; not you, not anyone. We are all here for you two. Right, boys?" he asks the others.

"Right," they nod with smiling faces.

"Thanks so much, mates. I'm so glad we decided to invite you lot," I smile, finally calm enough to go through with this wedding.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," they coo.


*Louis' POV*

The Other Team (Boyxboy) [Larcel AU] {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now