Chapter 18✨

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Hey guys! 

I bet you all weren't expecting a chapter this week aha. Well, I was sitting in my hotel room and I just got into this mood to write so I talked to my friend and we came up with the perfect idea for this chapter! 

So, get ready and enjoy the chapter😊



*Louis' POV*

My heart drops and falls onto the floor, cracking into a thousand pieces. It seems as if all life has left my body and is now frozen in shock and disbelief. Marcel, my precious baby, doesn't remember me. He doesn't know who I am and there's probably a good chance that he never will at all. I swallow hard and force myself to look at the confused and weary boy who is still waiting for my response. 

"I-I'm Louis. I'm your boyfriend," I answer weakly, using every fiber in my being to will myself not to cry. 

"Oh. And who am I?" he asks. 

I bite my lip hard to compel myself not to just burst into tears right then and there. I look away to blink back tears before turning my attention back to him. 

"Your name is Marcel," I tell him as strongly as I can.

"How old am I?" Marcel questions, sitting up as best he can. 

"You're 17," I say shakily, beginning to lose my composure.

"What was I like?" he continues, looking at me with rapt attention. 

"You are so smart, Marcel. You always have straight A's," I begin, a tear falling down my cheek as I resume describing his personality.

"You are so sweet and always polite. Even if someone is mean to you, you still treat them like one of your friends. You are always so happy and optimistic. You're just perfect, really," I finish, tears coating my face by now. 

"Are you okay?" he frowns, referring to how much I am crying right now.

I nod and apologize feebly, burying my face into my hands as I sob loudly. Just then, the door opens and I lift my head up to see a doctor with a sympathetic expression on his face. He steps into the room and walks over to Marcel who is glancing between us to try and figure out what is going on. 

"Hi, Marcel. How are you feeling?" the doctor inquires gently, sitting in the chair next to him.

"I'm okay, just in a bit of pain. Why is he upset?" Marcel scowls sadly, pointing to me.

"Well, you see, Louis, here, cares about you very much and he is upset because he doesn't like to see you hurt," he explains awkwardly.

That's not the whole reason I am upset, as he puts it, but I understand why he said it like that. He can't say it's because Marcel doesn't remember me because that would only make him feel guilty; I can't make him feel guilty for something that isn't his fault. 

"Oh. Thanks for caring about me. I'm okay, though. I promise," he assures me. 

"I know, baby," I say without thinking.

"Sorry," I apologise, starting to cry again.

"It's fine. You're my boyfriend, after all. I'm sure it's just natural," he smiles warmly.

I give him a small smile back and wipe the tears away from my cheeks, standing to my feet. I go towards the door, needing to clear my head and let out the rest of the emotions I am trying so deeply to keep in. I place my hand on the knob, ready to get the hell out of here. Before I can turn the knob, he lets out a small noise of disagreement, making me turn back to him.

"Yes?" I ask, hand still on the door handle.

"Will you please stay with me? I have more questions for you," he pleads, pouting adorably.

How can I say no to that?

"I guess so," I sigh, returning to my seat.

The doctor leaves to give us some privacy. Uncomfortable silence fills the small room as we both look at each other, not knowing how to act around the other. It feels like we're complete strangers and it kills me.

"How did we meet?" Marcel speaks up, breaking up the silence.

"A few months ago, when school started, you were being bullied by some former friends of ours named Zayn, Niall, and Harry. Well, they weren't your friends at the time, but you guys made up, and they were the ones who caused the accident you were in, so I am pretty sure you are not friends anymore. Anyways, they were about to beat you to a pulp, so I came up and yelled at them to let you go. I threatened to hurt them, too, which made them stop. I asked if you were okay and you seemed hurt, so I took you to the nurse and you were so shy and flustered. It was really cute. Ever since we've been inseparable and we have been dating for a couple months now," I explain, a smile forming on my face at the beautiful memory.

"That sounds lovely. Who asked who out?" he giggles, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"You did, actually. It's surprising, really, because you're the shy one in the relationship. You serenaded me with Meghan Trainor's Like I'm Gonna Lose You and asked me to be your boyfriend afterwards," I reply, grinning fondly at him. 

He smiles back at me, cheeks red as tomatoes by now. He has been giggling nonstop during my whole reminiscer, looking like an innocent schoolgirl talking about her first date. 

"We sound like a really nice couple," Marcel comments after calming down from all his laughter. 

"We are," I nod in agreement.

I suddenly spark an idea and start to lean in. He looks at me in confusion, eyes widening. I smirk and grab the back of his neck, pulling his face as close as I can to mine without having our lips touch.

"Remember the taste of my lips?" I whisper, kissing him firmly.



Let me know what you think in the comments!

Thank you so much for 2.4K reads! Means a lot babes!

Love you crazy mofos so much!❤️

[Dedicated to fireproof_stylinson for helping me with this chapter. Love you buttercup x]


[Book Cover credits to rogueink]

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