Chapter 14

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Hello, fellow directioners!

I hope all of you are having a swell day! Today has been pretty tiring. Lots of homework for me🙄

I love the new emojis!🤗🤑🤓🤔🤕🤐🤖👁

I hope you enjoy the new chapter! I am so excited for it! One of my good friends, Amy, gave me the idea for it😊

Enjoy Selena Gomez's new song, "Me & The Rhythm". It's quite nice.

I apologise that I couldn't find a Zarcel picture. All I could find was Zarry, but you get the idea, yeah?

Anyways, have fun!


*Marcel's POV*

I pull away from Zayn's warm embrace and just smile at him, glad that, after all these years, we're finally getting along. For as long as I've been a teenager, he has hated my guts, and now, I am hugging him and treating him like a real mate.

The thought of him and I being friends sparks an idea: what if he and I really tried to become pals? Obviously, we won't be best friends right away. However, it'd be a good opportunity for us to put all the years of bullying behind us and start fresh.

"Hey, Zayn?" I speak up, grabbing his attention.

"Yeah, Marcel?" he asks, flicking his eyes up to me.

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?" I offer hopefully.

His eyes widen in surprise as he gazes at me with his mouth wide open. I laugh softly, finding his taken aback expression humourous. I know it might be a bit odd or sudden for us, but I really want to. I need another friend in my life.

"You want to get coffee with me?" he gapes.

"Yeah. That's why I asked," I chuckle, propping his chin up with my finger to close his mouth.

"I'm sorry. You just took me by surprise. But, yeah, I'd love to grab a coffee with you," he smiles excitedly.

"Great! There's a Starbucks down the street," I grin, clapping my hands together.

"Typical white girl," he teases.

"Shut up!" I mutter, feeling my cheeks turn pink.

He just snickers and takes my hand, tugging me out to his car. I shake my head at him and beam at him in amusement. This is going to be one long cup of coffee.

(Just pretend it's coffee, yeah?)

"What are you gonna order?" I inquire, eyes scanning over the menu.

"You're the white girl; tell me what's good," he jokes again, causing me to roll my eyes in feign annoyance.

"Okay, first, I am a boy, not a girl. And second, the white chocolate mocha iced latte is amazing," I reply sassily.
(It really is, guys. Go try it!💕)

Maybe I've been spending a little too much time with Louis...

"Fine. I'll order it," he giggles, stepping up the front counter.

"One grande white chocolate mocha iced latte, please," he tells the barista.

Her name tag reads "Michelle". She has long, blonde hair, kind of like Niall's, that reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are a shining, bright blue colour and her face is completely flawless. If I weren't gay and totally socially impaired, I'd definitely try and get her number.

The Other Team (Boyxboy) [Larcel AU] {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now