Chapter 21

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Hello loves!

You have no idea how happy I am to be finally uploading this chapter. I have been meaning to write it for about 2 or 3 days now, but I have just been busy and not feeling up to it.

However, I am back now and ready to hit you with a new chapter!

I have an announcement which I will be saving for the end of the chapter so stick around (;

I thought I would start announcing how many words the chapter has just so you guys have an idea of how long the chapter is. If you like that idea, please vote.


[Word count: 1303]


*Louis' POV*

I knock on Marcel's door with a bouquet of roses behind my back, ready to beg for his forgiveness. After what I did, I'm hoping that he'll at least hear me out. And the roses may or may not be a bit of a romantic incentive to persuade him to accept my apology.

"Come in," he calls softly.

My heart beats even faster at the mere sound of his beautiful voice. He still never fails to amaze me after all this time we've been together with how easily he can make me weak in the knees. Even his smile has me mesmerised. Now, with all the nerves of having to make this apology and seeing his gorgeous self, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to spit the words out.

I walk into his hospital room and face him with a small smile. His eyes light up, causing my head to tilt in confusion. Not too long ago, he was crying and ordering me to get out and now, he's happy to see me? What happened while I was gone?

"Hey, darling," I greet him, hoping he's okay with the pet name I just gave him. 

"Hello, Louis. What are you doing here?" he chirps cheerfully.

"I came to give you these," I reply, handing him the red bouquet.

I watch selfishly as his smile brightens, taking them in his hands and looking at them like they are the most precious things in the world. My heart fills with warmth, loving how much more comfortable he is becoming around me so quickly. To my surprise, he reaches up and presses a light yet loving kiss to my cheek. The skin he kissed turns bright red in shock and embarrassment.

"Thank you so much. What are these for?" he asks incredulously. 

"Well, I actually came to apologise to you for how I've been treating you lately. I had no right to be so rude to you. The only reason I have been a little on edge lately is because I love you so much and I want you to remember me so badly. Having to see you and be with you when I know that I am just a stranger to you kills me. I'm so sorry for letting that get the best of me. Like I said, I know none of this is your fault by any means, but it still really hurts. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me," I apologise genuinely.

He just smiles at me again and pats the empty space on his bed, inviting me to lay with him. I happily oblige, cuddling into his side as comfortably as I can without hurting him. He leans down to kiss me softly, taking me by surprise all over again. If this is what it's going to be like until he remembers, I am completely okay with that.

"I accept your apology. I know that this can't be easy on you and I totally understand why you acted the way you did. But I think you'll be pleased to hear that I had another dream about you," he smirks.

He remembered something?! My eyes widen in joy and curiosity and I adjust my position so that I am able to see him clearly and focus on every word. 

"What was the dream about?" I inquire excitedly, trying to hide the fact that I am screaming on the inside.

"I was with this blond bloke from my other dream. He had a guitar and we were singing this song. I think it's by Meghan Trainor. Anyways, I was serenading you, but I don't remember why," he explains, blushing like an idiot.

"That really happened, love. You were singing her song called Like I'm Gonna Lose You. That was the night you asked me to be your boyfriend," I grin fondly, recalling the perfect memory. 

"That sounds wonderful," he coos, staring at my lips in fierce, mutual desire.

"It was," I coo back, connecting our lips together in a sweet, languid kiss.


*Marcel's POV* (My baby making an appearance <3)

I back up more and more in fear until my back hits the solid, brick wall of the dark alleyway, leaving me with nowhere to go. My menacing captor chuckles darkly, looking at me with an evil smile full of cruelty. As I get a better look at him, I soon realise that he is the raven-haired bully from my first dream since the incident, Zayn, I think. 

"Remember me, dork?" he smirks, moving my body in between his legs so that I can't escape.

"N-No," I stammer nervously, body shaking inevitably out of fear that he may hurt me, or worse, kill me.

"Still can't speak correctly, can you?" he scoffs angrily.

"I'm s-sorry," I mumble quietly, hoping he doesn't catch the small stumble in my words.

Much to my avail, he growls, obviously having heard the mistake, and pulls out something shiny and sharp. My eyeballs grow to the size of saucers when I see that he's taken out a blade. I feel my breath hitch in my throat as he presses the blade up to my neck, preparing to slice.

"Maybe this'll teach you to talk right," he tests, raising the knife up to stab me in the throat.  

Before he can sink the knife into my flesh, I wake up with a heaving, sweaty chest and tears racing down my cheeks as my heart beats at a very rapid pace. I cry loudly, shouting for someone to come help me. A nurse rushes in with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong, sir?" she asks in concern.

"Louis. I-I want Louis," I choke out in tears.

I need his comforting touch and his soothing voice. I crave the feeling of him holding me protectively, assuring me that everything is alright. The short nurse nods slowly, racing out of the room to go find my Louis. After a few minutes, he runs in and immediately wraps me up in a hug after seeing the current state I'm in.

"Shh, baby, shh. It's all okay. It was just a dream. Nothing happened; you're okay," he whispers in my ear. 

I nod into his shoulder, holding him even closer to my body. He presses multiple kisses to my forehead and hair, whispering sweet nothings to me. Right now, it's just him and I. Nobody else. Or so I thought. Our cute moment is interrupted by a small knock at the door. Before we can tell them to give us some privacy, the door opens. 

My jaw drops when I see who it is.




I personally don't know if I really like it, but I've had this plan for about a week now, so I'm just gonna stick with it.

And now,

it's time for the announcement!

Since you all have been such awesome readers, I have decided to post a little surprise for you guys! It will be coming later this week. Be on the lookout!

Thank you all so much for 3.1K reads! You guys are indescribably amazing to me and I very much cherish all the support.

I love all you crazy mofos so fucking much!

[Dedicated to Light_Up_WithLarry for having such an incredible book and being so sweet to me in the comments(: ]


[Book Cover credits to rogueink]

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