Chapter 15

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Hello loves!

How are you?

I would like to begin by apologising for the long wait. School has been really stressful for me lately, and it hasn't been getting any better. I have been having anxiety and writing hasn't really been a priority for me. Don't get me wrong, I love this story and all of you readers very much, but I cannot juggle tons of school work and a story all at once.

That being said, I think it's time that I take a brief hiatus. Not a long one, just until my Thanksgiving Break begins which is the 23rd of this month. Like I said, I can't do both at once and school is more important to me. Therefore, I will be focusing on my studies until the break begins. I am so sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I can't stress myself out more than I already am. It's not good for me. 

I hope you all understand. Thank you for all that do and stick with me and have been since the beginning. You mean so much to me. And to any potential new readers, welcome and thank you for choosing to read my story. I appreciate it dearly.

On a happier note, have a listen to the song above. It's a pretty good remix. I have fallen in love with it.

Anyone else been obsessed with Louis' voice lately or is it just me? It's so pretty!


*Louis' POV*

I drum my fingers against the steering as I drive to school to the beat of "Look After You" by The Fray. I smile as I think about the first time I ever listened to this song. Ever since I heard the first line, I've been in love with it and I will never grow tired of listening to it. 

"Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Be my baby. Oh, oh," I sing, frowning as I realise the song has ended. 

I pull into my usual parking spot and stop my car, sighing loudly. Why I am suddenly so upset I don't know, but I suppose it's simply because I am at school at 6 in the morning when I could be at home asleep without a care in the world. However, school will be over for me at the end of the year, so I guess I don't have anything to complain about. Poor Marcy has to stay for another year. 

Speaking of Marcel, I haven't seen him in a couple days. He's been spending an awful lot of time with Zayn lately. I'm happy that they finally buried the hatchet and became friends, of course. However, I'd appreciate some time with my cupcake, too. 

Suddenly, an idea sparks in my head: I can take Marcel out on a date tonight. It's a Friday, so we wouldn't have to worry about staying out too late. Besides, maybe after the date, he and I can have a sleepover. We wouldn't do anything sexual, obviously, because neither of us are ready yet.

Satisfied with the idea in my mind, I skip into the dark, brick-built building with a kick in my step. I eagerly search for the shy boy with the big glasses, even reaching up on my tip toes to see him. After a few minutes of searching, I finally spot him near Zayn's locker, chatting quietly with Zayn.

"Hi, baby," I coo, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.

A huge smile spreads across his face as he turns back and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. 

"Hi, boo," he coos back.

My heart flutters when he stretches his arms back to wrap them around me own waist. Zayn stares at us fondly, smiling at our cuteness. I notice Marcel leaning back into my touch as he converses with Zayn, talking about how hard the maths test was. 

"Well, I gotta get to class. I'll leave you two alone," Zayn smirks, winking at me before leaving.

I blush and stick my tongue out at him like a little kid. He rolls his eyes in response, disappearing into his classroom. Marcy swivels his head back to look at me, arms still locked around each other. He kisses me another time before opening his mouth to speak.

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