Chapter 7

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Hey lovelies!

How are you guys on this wonderful holiday that gets me a day off of school?

I am sorry this chapter is a little late, but I had a lot of homework to do and I had company.

I hope you like the chapter!

Enjoy the adorable picture of Harry❤️

Warning: This chapter contains crying scenes and depressive thoughts. If you don't like that kind of content, please skip through it. There will be a warning in the actual chapter.


*Marcel's POV*

"Mummy, must I go to school? The elevator's broken," I pout, trying to talk her into letting me stay home.

I very much despise missing a day of school, but I can't face Louis. I just know how awkward things will be between us and I'm not ready to deal with that yet.

"I'm sure your teachers will understand if you're a little late to class due to having to take the stairs," she rolls her eyes, handing me my backpack.

"What if people accidentally trample me?" I retaliate, shoving another excuse her way.

"I know you don't want to see him, but you'll have to eventually, so you might as well get it over with," she argues.

I sigh in rout, knowing she's right. I can't put this off for very long, anyways. I'll have to see him eventually; Mummy won't let me skip that many days.

"Fine," I carp, securing my backpack over my shoulders.

"Good boy. Besides, the first day is the hardest. The sooner you get it out of the way, the better," she advises wisely.

"Why are you so astute?" I grumble, grabbing my crutches.

"Same reason you are. Now, off to school, you," she scolds seriously with a hint of playfulness.

"Yes, ma'am," I badger, cautiously going out to my car.


On the way to school, I blast the radio, desperately trying to lose myself in the music so that I can lose focus on all of the possibilities of how it'll go down when I see Louis.

He could tell me he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. What if I hurt him so badly that he doesn't even want to see me at all anymore? What if he transfer schools? What if the sadness and rejection faded away and he hates me now? He could spread rumours about me. He could team up with Zayn and beat me up with him!

I let out a breath of annoyance as I park at the school, realising that the music did nothing for me; the thoughts invaded my mind anyhow.

My arms shake in apprehensiveness as I come closer and closer in contact with the school, heart beating faster, knowing what's coming.

The bell rings just as I arrive, making me smile in relief: I won't have to face Louis when I go to my locker because he's already on his way to class.

"Hey, Styles," I hear behind me and whip around to find a familiar, short, Irish blond standing right in front of me.

"H-Hi, Niall. C-Covering for Zayn today?" I stammer, cowering in fear.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to be afraid of me," he insists, inching closer.

"W-What do you want from me?" I ask shakily, breathing becoming heavy.

"I want to apologise," he replies, inducing my jaw to drop.

"Y-You want to what?" I gape at him in shock, not being able to help it.

He wants to apologise to me?

"I'm sorry for bullying you all this time. It's just that..Zayn is really intimidating and basically, to be his friend, I had to join him in beating you up and ridiculing you. I was new here and I was so despondent and wanted a friend, so I agreed. However, I really am sorry. I always feel so guilty whenever we bully you. I know what I've done to you is unforgivable and I understand that, but I vow to not beat you up anymore," he atones truthfully.

"Wow, Niall. That was very unexpected. Thank you for your apology; I appreciate it, but it's like you said, I can't really forgive you right now," I answer gratefully.

"I get it. Now, I'm supposed to be beating you up right now since he's completing a retake, but obviously, I'm not going to, so get to class before he sees you. I'll make something up," he winks, nudging me along.

"Thanks again," I smile, grabbing my things before crutching away.

"Of course. Now, go," he giggles as I scurry away as fast as I can.


So far, I haven't seen Louis at all today. Luckily, we don't share any classes. However, lunch is a whole, different story. I could see him right when I walk in. I could see him in the lunch line. What if he didn't show up to lunch because he knew we'd see each other? What if he didn't even come to school at all just as I attempted to do hours ago?

My heart pains at the thought of him skipping school just because of me. With my head shied down to the floor, I unwillingly push myself to enter the strident cafeteria.

Pleased that I'm not met with the shining boy's face yet, I slowly make my way to the pizza line. I eagerly place two slices on my tray and add a carton of milk to it, moseying down the line to pay for my food.

Just as I turn to find a table to sit at, I see him. His tray is without food, head supported by the cold, metal table. His hair is cast down over his eyes, but I can still see the sadness in them. He is all alone and has white earbuds in his ears with an iPhone accompanying them in his hands. Even from afar, his waves of depression radiate my lanky body.

He must've felt my intense gaze on him because he lifts his head and physically tenses at my presence. I start to go over to his table when I see his eyes water and he dashes out of the cafeteria.

I sigh sadly and chase after him as fast I can. After searching for a few minutes, I find him in the toilets, sobbing behind a closed stall.

[Warning: This is where the crying and depressive thoughts start]

"Louis?" I frown, gradually taking a seat beside his stall.

"G-Go away," he whimpers, crying harder.

"Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong," I say gently.

"Y-You don't care about me. N-Nobody does. I-I'm just the emo freak wh-who isn't good enough for anyone," he blubbers.

My heart cracks down the middle and shatters into a million pieces at his words. How could he think that way about himself?

"Hey, hey, none of those things are true. I care very much about you and so do your friends and your family. Lots of people care about you. Now, when I said I wasn't ready for a relationship, I didn't mean that you weren't good enough for me. I meant that I wasn't emotionally ready yet. You are most definitely good enough for me; you're too good for me, in fact," I coo.

"Y-You mean that?" he asks tearfully, reaching for my hand under the stall door.

"Every word," I smile, intertwining our fingers together.


Aww, how cute! They made up!

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter! I am actually pretty proud of it!

Dedicated to for sending me such sweet messages the other day(:

Thank you all for 334 reads! You're the best readers ever!

I love you crazy mofos so much!💕





[Book Cover credits to rogueink ]

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