Chapter 12

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Hey guys!

How are you all?

I am so sorry that this chapter is a day late, but I was going through some stuff and I couldn't bring myself to write.

However, I am okay now, and ready to share the new chapter with you all!

I hope you enjoy it(:

By the way, if you're looking for new tunes, the song I tagged, "Cake By The Ocean", is pretty good😉

PS: The pic has nothing to do with the chappie. I just thought it was cute☺️


*Louis' POV*

*a month later*

"This feels so good," Marcel smiles, giggling adorably.

"What does, baby? We're just holding hands," I laugh, looking up at him curiously.

"Being able to do this and be open with our relationship without having to worry about Zayn and his friends," he replies pleasantly.

"I know. Thank god Niall is so protective of us now, 'specially you," I tantalize, poking his nose.

"Oh, hush. If it weren't for him, we couldn't do this," he smirks, pressing his lips against mine as I lean against my locker.

I feel my eyes instinctually close, losing myself in the gentle kiss. Kissing him honestly feels like pure bliss. Our lips instantly mould together and it's like they were just meant to be together. My exes' kisses don't even compare to his; he's the best kiss I've ever had.

Suddenly, the bell rings, signaling us to go to class, and, unfortunately, it also means we have to separate.

"Bye, love. See you at lunch," he coos, pecking my lips.

"See you," I whisper, still hazy from our visceral moment.

The things that boy does to me...


"You fucking idiot!" I hiss, yanking Niall to the side forcibly.

"What did I do?" he pouts, rubbing his arm that I just pulled.

"You know what you did! Why did you invite Zayn and the others over to our table?! You were completely aware that even though you've been protecting him, they still frighten him. He's still getting used to you!" I sigh in exasperation.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I thought it'd be good for him to finally confront them. Maybe they'll even become friends," he discloses with a small frown.

"You're right," I mutter, upset that he was actually the sensible one in this situation.

"I am?" he asks.

"Yeah. I mean, maybe this will be good for him. I do wish you would've told me first, but I know your heart was in the right place," I nod, hugging him.

"Oh, and thanks for being so nice to him. It really means a lot to him. Me too," I admit, causing a smile to break out on his face.

The Other Team (Boyxboy) [Larcel AU] {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now