She goes over to Diego and whispers something in his ear. He pleads with his eyes and she shakes her head smirking.

"Fine," Diego groans.

Okay then, I'm going to a club.


59. 60.

And now I've been here for fifty one minutes. I sigh and take another small sip of my alcohol. I forgot what it was called. I think it was like sved something. The other girls were all dancing, whilst I sat at the bar.

Deafening music -songs that I've never ever heard of- mixed with the sound of people's feet pounding on the dance floor was killing me loudly.

One of the conclusions that I had come to during my boredom was that the dance floor should be renamed. Since half – most of the people weren't even dancing, it was more like they were grinding.

I had made acquaintances with the bartender -his name is Jose-. One of the clearest sounds was the glasses being slammed on the counter as people demanded more drinks. I placed it gently and slid it towards Jose.

Better in a way?

"Violetta?" A girl's voice asks. I turn around and see Lara.

Supermodel. Diego's ex girlfriend. One of his only girlfriends. Yeah that Lara.

"Hi," I greet emotionless.

I could by dying for water and she could have fifteen litres and I still wouldn't be happy to see her. Mean? Kinda, but I don't care when it comes to her.

"I didn't think I'd find you here," Lara laughs, and I cocked my eyebrow.

"How would you know?"

"Diego told me you weren't much of that kinda of person. When we met up on Wednesday night," Lara explains and my stomach tightens.

Of course they met up on Wednesday. Why wouldn't they have? I was the one standing in the way of their love! Or their attraction?

"Oh." I finally say.

"Well nice seeing you!" Lara waves. She leans in before walking away.

"I would be worried that your fiancé is cheating on you,"

And that's pretty much all it took for me to demand the strongest drink that Jose had.


I guess you could say I finally understood the hype of getting drunk.

Albeit I could do without the tipsy walking.

I clumsily fumbled in my handbag and grabbed my phone. I could only think about Diego and Lara. The conversation drifted into my mind once again and my hands clenched around my glass.

They were the only clear thoughts in my mind. Well as clear as they could get with my drunken state. I couldn't decide whether I was angry that Diego had been with Lara, which may end up with her discovering our secret.

Or. Maybe I was jealous.

Jealous that Diego and gone to her of all people. And that he had told her that I was a boring person. I didn't know why I was even feeling like that? I shouldn't! Diego and I have an arranged marriage!

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