Oh look a Tag!

45 4 35


People I was tagged by - zofieisagoddess3 lonesomeshadows and BeigeBagels

*smiles* This can be easy.

First zofieisagoddess3

1. My birthday is coming up! September 21

2. Ari's birthday is on November 1st.

3. I'm bored

4. No sequel for Renegade!~

5. Or will there be a sequel?


7. I suck at writing.

8. I suck at drawing.

9. I love this song.

10. I'm not eating that much. :/

11. I'm a little bit hungry

12. Updating all my stories today OwO

13. I WILL FOREVER HATE The Crooked Man!!

Now lonesomeshadows 

1.Why do these things exist

2. I'm a Virgo

3. I like taking quizes

4. I would love to have a German Shepard or a Husky

5. I'm a little sleepy

6. It's 2:44pm

7. I would like to meet a lot of people online in person

8. I have a bucket list


10. I want to be a cop

11. Zootopia was a cute movie

12. I would love to live in a one or two story house

13. I'm getting a part time job during the summer next year

Now for BeigeBagels 

1. Right or Left Handed?

Both. I use both hands.

2. A suspicious black van pulls up, and a very suspicious man steps out offering free wifi. Would you pull a Bagel and walk into the van, or just stare at the man before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine and walking away?

I would kick the man where the sun doesn't shine and walk away.

3.Favorite Animal? 

A Panda

4. Do you still sleep with a stuff animal? 

Yes I do. I have a little teddy bear that I got from diddy_productions146 for Valentines Day.

5. You are walking in a forest and stumble upon three possible routes. A small dirt path through the woods on your left, a flowery meadow (that may or may not contain a talking flower spewing crap about Friendliness Pellets) straight ahead, or a path that leads to a hole in the ground on the right. Which path do you choose?

I would actually love to explore all of the paths.

6. Green or Blue


7. Favorite color?

Baby Blue

8. Color of room?

A light light yellow

9.Love or hate Alois Trancy?

Both. At times I love him. And at times I want to rip his eyes out and shove them down is throat.

10. Cat person or Dog person?


11. Fanfiction or Fanart?


12. Nocturnal or normal sleeping schedule?


13. How much do you hate social interaction?

It depends on who I am talking to

14. Favorite artist/band?


15. How much do you like me?

A mountain ton OwO

16. What thing could you be doing right now to help humanity, but you have been far to submerged in insanity to care anymore whatever the Hades happens to the Earth anymore?

Probably plant trees. 

17. Did you catch the number of the truck that hit me?

No but I have the driver.

18. What would you do with a kitten stuffed animal? I have some ready for you guys. *holds out armful,despite  knowing Kitty will kill me for it later*

XD. I would cuddle and watch TV with the stuff Kitty.

19. Have you ever been so sick that you couldn't move and were covered in sweat?

Yes I have and it was the worst.

20. Who do you hate the most?

It's very very very rare that I hate people. But if someone were to piss me off so bad, then yeah I would hate the person.

Now for tagging people!!







Here are my questions.

1. What is your opinion about me?

2. What would you do with 5 billion dollars?

3. Birthday?

4. Zodiac Sign?

5. Where would you like to live?

6. If you could do one thing in the world, what would it be?

7.What kind of car would you want?

8. Plans for the future?

9. Instagram? Opinion.

10. Your favorite story.

11. Favorite song?

12. If you could go to Prom or a dance with one person, who would it be and why?

13. What if kids can become President. Who would you vote for? (Kid President from Youtube)

14. Who wants to become a Youtuber? (I do!)

15. Favorite quote?

Those are my questions.

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