The Future

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Okay so heads up cause this is gonna be long. It's been a long time since I last updated anything on here and I'm going to explain why. I just finished my first year of high school so now I'm going to be a Sophomore!

I'm on the Color Guard team and we do Marching Band and a Winter season. So that means I'm in competitions and we perform half time at football games. I'm also One of the Captains on the team which I'm happy and I love my team. So Color Guard takes up a lot of my time with practices and game days but writing is my passion.

Continuing on, I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I have thought of several things but I love writing so much that I can't abandon it even though I stopped for a few years

Another thing is that I don't have a computer, like what so ever. I only have my phone to use to type up stories which sucks but I'm okay with that. I'm hoping that I get a computer for my 16 birthday but we will see.

Another thing is that I'm 15 years old and I have to grow up fast. I have to help raise my baby brother and little sister and watch them and take care of them. I have to get a job soon so I can help pay for the things and bills that my parents are having trouble doing.

Now here's the reason why I stopped writing. I lost all will and inspiration to do it. I started getting writers block and just dropped everything. But when I saw you guys comment, asking pleading, I saw the reason why I write.

I write because I love either adding on or creating these other worlds where people can have fun in and explore and dig deep in the different emotions. It's one of the reasons why I took Journalism class. Cause I wanted to find my writing style and I did.

Now this may sound like an excuse but it's the only explanation I have. These past two years I fell into a dark hole. I didn't know what to do anymore and I felt lost and confused. It went to the point where I tried to change who i was for other people and for my parents but this year showed me that i know who I am.

So I'm going to be "starting" this account all over. And what I mean by that is, I'm planning on changing my username, to what I have no clue, changing my bio, pictures, going through every story I published to see which ones are going to stay and which ones are going to go.  Going to do a lot of editing. So I'm not re-setting everything but I want this to be the account where I can talk to you guys and communicate again. So let's start over right?
So if some books get deleted, DONT WORRY!

I'm going to re-write almost all of them since my writing style has changed. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just PM me or comment in the comments and I'll get back to you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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