She looked up at her tall father’s face and said, “Dad, I saw you a couple weeks ago.”

    “My point exactly. For living in the same town, I should be seeing you every week.”

    Cassidy smiled and buried her face in her father’s softly muscled chest. “I wouldn’t call being an hour and a half’s drive away without traffic as being in the same town.”

    Joe laughed and Cassidy felt the reverberations through her own body. She always loved the way her dad could make anything feel better - like in the sixth grade when Jessica Mustain had sent her home crying after telling everyone that she had a fat butt and would be better off living in a wheelchair so no one had to see it. Cassidy’s mother had tried to console her daughter, but in the end she had to call Joe to come and calm her down. He came straight from work still in his uniform and picked her up into his arms without a word. By the time they had left the principal’s office, Cassidy was full of smiles.

    Wrapped in the familiar hug, her nerves slowly calmed and she gave off a releasing sigh. “Thanks dad. For coming.”

    Joe pulled apart from the hug and put his hand on Cassidy’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He took a long breath and brought up the subject they both knew would have to be said. “I know your mother would have wanted to be here too. She was always so happy that you followed her footsteps. I know she’d be proud of you.”

    “Yeah.” Her eyes dropped down to the floor. “I know.”

    Joe used his index finger to lift Cassidy’s chin. “You’re just like her, you know - when you dance… So beautiful, so graceful. Like a floating angel in a sea of clouds…” Joe’s eyes focused on his memories as his brows turned down at the edges.

    Cassidy whispered, “Yeah she was something.”

    Joe cleared his throat as he woke himself from his daydream. “That she was, but it’s not about her today. It’s about you. You’re gonna go out there and you’re gonna dance like no one’s watching and when you’re done, you’re going to be surprised to hear the deafening applause from the invisible crowd.”

    Cassidy smiled and quickly hugged her father again before heading backstage to line up for her performances. Joe watched her walk away with pride beaming out of his eyes. He waited until the door’s actuator slowly shut it completely and then returned to the stands to join the girls.

    Hayley and Alicia had joined up with Andre, Wesley, and Eli in the crowd when Joe reached them.

    “Hey Mr. L! Saved you a seat!” Hayley waved him over to the empty chair next to her, and he took the time to read through the program guide once seated.

    Wesley and Andre were discussing the use of specific diction in legal documents when the conversation shifted to Wesley’s love life.

    “Whatever happened with you and that secretary chick?”

    “Oh, that… That kind of just withered away. I don’t know.” Wesley shrugged.

    “What? Why? She was cute!” Andre smacked him lightly on the chest.

    “Yeah, I don’t know. It just didn’t work out.”

    Andre leaned forward to include Elliot in the conversation. “Can you believe this guy? You’ve seen the secretary right?”

    Elliot smirked. “The one at his school? Yeah, she’s a looker.” He turned to address Wesley. “You never told me you had a fling with her!”

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