Virginia Now

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(Virginia's POV)

I'm running through the dark thick misty creepy evil like forest that kills it's victims.

Or that's what everyone say's but it's really just me and a few other's killing the people who enter.

After leaving Neverland all of us kinda just left to do our own thing.

We were all kind of different so that's that I guess.

I slide to a quick and sudden stop and latch onto the trees to keep myself from running off the edge of the cliff.

I look down at the creepy never ending pit of the cliff.

I look at the vine and untie it from it's position I go back a bit and bring the vine with me and turn back towards where the edge of the cliff is.

Sprinting and gripping the vine I run and jump off the edge of the cliff and swing to the other edge that's 100 feet away maybe more and grab onto the sturdy branch and hold on and tie the vine onto the branch.

I flip off the branch and softly land onto the stoney earthy like floor and start walking deeper into the forest.

Once I reach the tree house I pull on a vine and shoot straight into the air and flip midair and land on the deck of the tree house.

Walking into the open door I head towards the room I need to go to and set my newest find down and sit down.

I carefully examine it and look at the unique looking stone I found then I look at the one Shaili sent me from the bottom of the ocean.

I attach the pieces together and they both glow slightly and stick together.

I look closer and see I need two more pieces and a gem to complete it.

Looks like I have to call in a couple favors to find out what this thing leads to.

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a month and I'm so sorry I'm working on a new chapter right now it should definitely be done by Friday if not we'll see when I can get it done hope you all like this chapter there'll be more of the lone chapters for the three characters I added.

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