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"Luke!  Leo!" I exclaimed, smiling

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"Luke! Leo!" I exclaimed, smiling. I didn't expect to see them until later tonight.

"Hey, I'm the one who said your name," Leo said, frowning. "Why didn't you say my name first? Bitch."

"Jerk," I said, instantly, and we just grinned at each other.

"I knew I liked you for a reason," Phil said, smirking.

Luke shot me a look, so I said, "Luke would appreciate it if you didn't encourage his son to curse."

"I'm pretty sure you're the one who taught him to say it," Phil said. "Plus, if he does curse, he'll be a loser."

Luke just shook his head, rolling his eyes, and Leo said, "Hey! I'm not a loser."

"Not yet," Phil said. "If you don't curse, you'll be a loser. And it doesn't count if you're only saying bitch to reference something only you and Mona understand."

"Just don't do it in front of me," Luke said, finally giving in.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked.

"Leo has some news he wants to tell you guys," Luke said.

"Aw, he wants me to hear it," Phil said, bringing a hand to his chest. "I feel so loved."

"At least someone loves you," Chaleen said, and I laughed. "Well, they wanted to take you to their house. Guess I'm not good enough to hear the news."

"I'll tell you tomorrow," Luke said. "I promise."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Well, Lisa and I should pack our stuff then," Phil said, and we walked back upstairs.

Once we had all our things, we carried our stuff back down stairs. Leo was waiting for us, while Luke and Chaleen were talking softly about something. Phil walked over to her, while I stayed next to Leo.

"I think Dad wants to fuck Chaleen," He said.

I laughed. "How do you know that?"

"I heard him say it," He replied. "He said, I want to fuck you, Chaleen."

I rolled my eyes. He was slowly becoming one of those teenagers who curse just because they can.

Phil walked back over to us, and we headed outside. We put our things in his car, and Leo decided to wait outside with us for Luke.

"I think Chaleen likes your dad," Phil said.

"I already talked about this with Mona," Leo said. "We agreed."

"I never said I did because you were obviously making things up," I told him. "But, I do agree. They like each other."

After a few more minutes, we get tired of waiting, so we decided to take Leo with us in Phil's car. On our way there, Luke called me, asking where his son was. Once I told him that Leo was with us, he told me he'd see us at the house.

When we get to the house, we get out of the car. Leo realized he left his skateboard outside, so he grabbed it before unlocking the door and letting us inside.

As he shuts the door behind us, he asked, "When will my dad get here?"

"It depends," Phil replied. "If he and Chaleen decided to, you know... fuck, it may take a while."

"What was the point of saying you know if you were just going to say fuck anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know, Lisa," He said. "I don't have all the answers."

I just rolled my eyes.

"I have a question," Leo said, and I could tell from his face what he was going to ask.

"Is this what you asked me on the phone?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.


"What are you talking about?" Phil asked, confused. "What did you guys talk about on the phone?"

"I asked her if you guys have fucked yet," Leo said.

I managed not to blush, but I did cross my arms. Phil laughed.

"Come here," He said. He and Leo went to the other side of the room and spoke softly, so I don't know what they said.

"I can't hear you guys," I whined.

"That's the point," Phil said, turning to look at me.

I glared at them, but neither of them could see me. I walked over to the couch and sat down, turning on the TV. The news was on, so I just left it on.

Once they're done talking, they join me. After a while, Luke finally came home. He watched TV with us for a while, then got up to make dinner.

When it was ready, I turned off the TV and we made our way to the table. After we started eating, I remembered something.

"Leo," I said, and he looked up at me. "Weren't you going to tell us something?"

"Oh, yeah," Phil said, nodding.

Leo looked from me to Phil, smiling, and said, "I got accepted into a wrestling school."

I smiled. "Really? That's great!"

"Well, it's less of a school and more of a training program," He clarified.

"The minute his grades drop, he's done," Luke added.

"Doesn't he get straight A's?" Phil asked. "He's doing better than I did."

Someone knocked on the door, and before anyone could react, Phil stood up and began walking away.

"Phil, you can't just answer the door at another person's house," I said, but he ignored me.

I heard the front door open, and he said, "Chaleen, we left your house because we don't like you. Why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes and Leo laughed.

"If you must know, Luke invited me," Chaleen replied.

Phil yelled, "Why did you invite her, Luke?"

"Because I know deep down, that you actually do like her," He replied.

A few seconds later, Phil returned, with Chaleen right behind him.

She took a seat in an empty chair, joining us.


The next chapter is the last one!  I completely rewrote it and it takes place a few years after this.

This story is really short but whatever.

Let me know what you thought of this pointless chapter. xD

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