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When I break the kiss, he's staring at me in shock and confusion, and I'm sure my face looked pretty much the same

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When I break the kiss, he's staring at me in shock and confusion, and I'm sure my face looked pretty much the same. Before either of us could speak, I backed up and began walking away.

"Lisa!" He yelled after me, but I didn't stop.

"Shit..." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. "Shit, shit, shit."

As I walked down the hall and stared at the ground, I continued mumbling, probably confusing anyone who walked past me. Honestly, though, I didn't care what anyone thought of me. Eventually, I brought my head up, and after some searching, I found the locker room Nattie shared with TJ. I knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, it opened, and Nattie looked a little worried about me.

"Mona?" She frowned.

"Hey," I greeted her, smiling nervously. "Could we talk?"

"Sure." She moved out of the way, letting me into the room. "TJ is busy, so he's not in here right now. Is everything – ?"

"I kissed Phil," I interrupted, the words coming out faster than I intended.

"What?" Nattie exclaimed. "But you're dating – "

"Yeah, I'm dating John," I said, sighing. I paused. "Sorry I keep interrupting you."

"It's fine." She shook her head. "Now, did you kiss him, or did he kiss you? And how did it happen?"

"You saw his match, right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, when AJ went out to interrupt it, I got really mad all of a sudden. I'm not sure why. So, I went out there and confronted her about it, and then I got mad when Phil tried defending her."

"Okay..." She waited for me to continue.

"I got backstage, and John tried convincing me that I was jealous," I explained. "I got mad and kicked him out. Phil tried talking to me, but I kicked him out, too. Then, AJ thought that I liked Phil or something. After she left, I began thinking about it. What if she was right? What if John was right? So, I decided to go talk to Phil about it, to see what he had to say, but when he opened the door, I panicked."

"And you kissed him?"

"And I kissed him," I confirmed. "I kissed him and I left."

"Why did you just leave?" Nattie asked, frowning. "He's probably really confused right now because his best friend just showed up and kissed him, then just left. You don't even know if he liked the kiss."

"But what if he does?" I asked, softly.

"Why wouldn't he?" She asked. When she saw my face, she added, "Did you like the kiss?"

I crossed my arms and looked down. "That's not important."

She gasped. "You did!" I looked back up at her. "Does John know?"

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