Chapter One

Mulai dari awal

I help her up and she crumbles back down to the ground, "oh honey, she's so weak, if only I got here sooner." I pick her up bridal style and carry her out the door, she feels like a feather.

I walk out the door with her in my arms and she immediately realizes whats happening and starts struggling in my grasp, "No! No! No! He will kill you too! He'll hurt me more! Leave me here!" She screamed.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I say trying to comfort her.

"He always brings me back," she mumbled into my grey shirt, surprisingly calming down faster than I expected. I carry her all the way out of the basement out into the main building, through the main hall and out to the front doors of the mansion. 

"I forgot to ask you, whats your name lovely?" I ask as I set her down in the backseat of one of the cars with Lance, one of my closest friends and the best doctor we have.

"Alice," she mumbles, fascinated by her new surroundings.

"That's a pretty name, did he give that to you?" 

"No, he called me Katy."

"Well, Alice. I have got to go boss these men around, is it okay if I leave you here with Lance? He's a Doctor and hes going to help you get all cleaned up." 

"Okay," she says reluctantly.

"Call me if anything happens," I say to Lance and shut the car door. The Car pulls away and I turn around to my crew who are all standing next to their cars waiting for orders.

"Alright, men!" I yell getting their attention. "Jordan and Daniel, go in and get my brother and lock him up back at the base" I point at them, "James and Corey, scan the perimeter again and Lana and Ashley go inside and loot the place" I yell.

"Right! You all know the drill, Lana start with the basement and work up, Ashley go with her. Jaymes and Daniel start with people ask them about my brother, Mason and Luke, get my brother and lock him in his own cell, tie him up how you want. Make it interesting." I order, they all move into the Mansion as they are told what to do. "The rest of you! Tear the place apart, do not take anything unless it's important information we can use."

I follow the rest of them in and go straight to Daniel and Jaymes to see what my brothers people know about him. Daniel and Jaymes start interrogating and questioning everyone they can find, they find out all they need to know and let them go back to there business. Luckily my men know the rules I have when it comes to other peoples properties. They never threaten anyone unless they need to, or harm them. I hate it when my place gets trashed, so I never trash anyone else's place unless it's necessary. I really want to smash everything in the place but it wouldn't be fair on the workers here.

"Adam!" I hear Lana yell from the basement. I roll my eyes and make my way down to the cells in the basement.

"Don't call me Adam, what did you find?"

"There weird traces of Trixie blood," she whisper in confusion as she traces where she can see the blood. "There not clear markings, splatters or even just smudged." 

What? Trixie's can't get through the barrier and anything and all things to do with the foul creatures is banned. 

Trixie's where banded from this realm years ago. My great grandfather banned them and there hasn't been any sight of the hideous troll pixies. My Great Grandfather cursed them and banished them so it was impossible for them to enter the realm. 

"Call the barrier guards and tell them to get extra men on guard, make sure they charge the Carilian," I order Lana.

"Yes, your highness" she replies.

I wish I had Lana's ability, shes able to see traces of things that have been erased, faded or washed away. Sometimes she can see past memories connected to whatevers there or what was there. But I got extra strength from my great grandfather, It's like like I turn into the hulk minus the green skin.

"Your highness?"

"Yes?" I say a little bit harsher than I mean't.

"Lana has found more traces, but not Trixie blood, it's some kind of unrecognizable blood," He explains.

We can tell the difference between creatures blood. Humans have thicker blood than us our blood is like water but red. Trixie's have orange blood and it has a weird scent, but animals have a different smell than human blood. We can always tell the difference between other species blood.

"Tell Lana to get a sample and take it back to Emal he will know what it is," I say, Emal can also see thing that have been there in the past like Lana he is just more experienced.

After a few hours of looting the place we all headed back to the castle, well my castle.

We pull up in-front of the gates and as soon as we pull up Robert opens the gates for us.

"Your highness, we have a problem." My main guard told me.


"The girl you told to bring to Lance, she had to be sedated because she wouldn't let Lance near her with out her going into a panic attack," he said.

"Why didn't you call me earlier?!" I say angered. I make my way to the infirmary as fast as I can.


I'm currently in the process of rewriting/editing this story as I really don't like how it's started. Bear with me, due to Wattpad's new set up I have to un-publish the chapters and re-write them that way so they save and I can go back to them. I've had to start chapter two four times because it didn't save. But I'm back and writing!

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