Chapter 8: Too Fast to Brake

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Joey's POV:

Bethany's flip flop slips off her foot and Ingrid waits on the other side for her. Bethany tries to get her shoe back on but it's stuck on a wad of gum. She pulls on it harder when I see it. The car speeding around the corner, coming to fast to brake. As if in a dream, I drop my bags and sprint out to the road just as Bethany turns to see the car. I run at her head on and shove her out of the way with so much force that she flies through the air and slams to the ground on the other side. I try to run out of the way but it's too late. I feel the car slam into my side. I slam to the ground and hit my head on the pavement. My vision blurs and I try to push myself up with my arms but I feel a sharp stab of pain on my side. I know I have at least one broken rib, and I see the blood dripping to the ground from my head. My arms give out and I fall to the ground again. The last thing I see is Bethany running towards me. And then I black out.

HAHAHA. Cliffhanger! But I also apologize for the short chapter! I hope you are enjoying this! Thanks for reading!

Instagram: joey_g_fanpage_anya

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