“But the rhythm...” Sherlock began.

“’Partita number one.’ Thank you, Johann Sebastian Bach,” Jim said, obviously irritated.

“But then how did...”

“Then how did I break into the Bank, to the Tower, to the Prison?” Jim said loudly, speaking over Sherlock. He turned and spread his arms wide. “Daylight robbery. All it takes is some willing participants.”

“I knew you’d fall for it. That’s your weakness – you always want everything to be clever. Now, shall we finish the game? One final act. Glad you chose a tall building – nice way to do it.” Sherlock had been staring blankly into the distance. Now he sounded bewildered as he spoke.

“Do it? Do – do what?” He blinked as it became clearer to him and he turned towards Jim. “Yes, of course. My suicide.” He said, emotionless.

“‘Genius detective proved to be a fraud.’ I read it in the paper, so it must be true. I love newspapers; Fairytales,” Jim drawled. Sherlock walked to the edge of the roof and leaned forward, looking over the side to the ground below. Jim walked to stand beside him and looked over the side as well. “And pretty Grimm ones too,” He added, turning his head and looking ominously at Sherlock.


A taxi pulled up outside and John and Alice jumped out and hurried towards the door, John scrabbling for his keys. As he hurried inside, the man with the stepladder was standing at the top of it just in front of the stairs and is drilling a hole into the wall. Mrs. Hudson was standing nearby watching him. As the captains ran towards her, she jolted in startlement, having not heard his approach over the sound of the drill.

“Oh, g*d, John! You made me jump!” She said, only seeing John at the moment.

“But...” John mumbled, looking at him in utter confusion as Alice came up behind him and saw Mrs. Hudson. She blinked in surprise but her face changed to realization and horror in an instant.

“Is everything okay now with the police? Has, um, Sherlock sorted it all out?” The landlady asked. John stared for a moment longer and then it suddenly sunk in.

“Oh my g*d,” John said softly, his voice full of horror. Alice immediately ran out and John turned and followed, both of them looking up and down the street frantically. Luckily he immediately saw what they needed.

“Taxi!” Alice called as a cab began to pull over on the other side of the road. They chased across the road towards it.

“Taxi!” John repeated. A man was standing at the side of the road having also just hailed the cab. As he leaned into the front window to tell the driver his destination, John ran around the cab and pulls open the rear door, talking even as he scrambles inside. Alice just got in on the other side.

“No, no, no, no, police!” Alice told the man, looking at him urgently.

“...Sort of.” John added.

“Oh, thanks, mate – thanks a lot.” The man muttered sarcastically, walking away.


The two men had turned towards each other at the edge of the roof.

“I can still prove that you created an entirely false identity,” Sherlock tried.

“Oh, just kill yourself. It’s a lot less effort,” Jim argued, tiredly exasperated. Sherlock turned away, pacing distractedly. “Go on. For me,” He continued. He made his voice into a high-pitched squeal for the next word. “Pleeeeeease?”

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