Chapter 27

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Harry's POV :

it's been 2 days since i got mobbed , these who thing is hard, i like Summer, a lot and i think that i may be falling for her,she knows me better than anyone ,she understands and she treats me like i am a normal guy ,and that's what i need .

Liam still sisn't talk to me because i choose Summer, do i regret that ?,NO, i don't and i won't ,you get to meet the love of your life once and i'm not gonna let Summer go ,Liam just needs to live with it .

Summer is now at her work ,she should be back in a couple of hours , an hour ago Louis called me telling me that we should be writing new stuff to our new album and i told him i will be working on one while i am here ,so thats what i;m doing now ,

well, i'm acually TRYING to wrtie something ,but nothing seems good, i guess that maybe a break of thinking will be good now .

i closed my notebook and put on some tv, nothing was good so i took my Iphone and went to twitter,maybe i will tweet some fans or follow some .

i started reading my mention and i wish i didn't , there was a lot of hate tweets for Summer and people telling me that i can do better.

-@harry_styles idk why r u with @summerjonas i mean look at her!!

-i just read an article n they say that @harry_styles is in love with @summerjonas wtf,dude this is NOT love.u r YOUNG !

-@summerjonas stay away from @harry_styles , he is MINE ,u probably r using him !

@harry_styles u should dump @summerjonas,she is an attention seeker,she just want attention 

and worse tweets kept coming ,why they keep saying these things, Summer is a great girl,she is the best girlfriend i EVER had and the best girl i ever known,they don't know about us ,they know nothing about us and our relationship,they can't judge us .

at that moment an idea of the song came to my mind, i put my phone on the table and took the pen and notebook and start to write the lyrics.

after an hour the song was finished, ,i texted louis 

To Louis :

i finished the song :),n i think this one will be my fav 

To Harry :

SO FAST?well, we should hear it u know !

To Louis : 

sure, go to skype ,i will play it for u :)

To Harry:


i loged in skype and saw that Louis was on , i called him and he answered 

"hello lou " i said waving with a smile on my face, i missed louis , we are so close ,he gets me ,and i miss him but i have to stay here with summer for a while .

"hay Harry, how are you mate?" he asked waving back 

"i'm great,what about you ?" 

"i'm fine, now let me hear the song "he said so excited

"ok"i said as i hold Summer's guitar and start playing the song for him 

after i finised singing the song i looked at Louis and he had a smile on his face 

"so you like ?" i asked 

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