Chapter 5

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i woke up the next day and i couldn't find frankie anywhere in my room , mabe he is downstairs , i got up and went to take a morning shower i put on my 'love me ' t shirt and my black tights i put my hair in a ponytaile , i didn't bother with any make up ,i headed downstairs to find something to eat .

i went to the kitchen and i just saw frankie " morning litte brother:" i said rufling his hair 

"morning and dad went out for breakfast and kevin is out with danielle ,but joe and nick are upstairs " he told as i sat down to eat my cirial " good morning " i heared someone say i looked up to see joe and nick standing on the doorway ,i didn't even bother to talk to them i didn't reply to them . 

"Summer can i talk to you ??" Nick asked " sure " i went with him upstairs to my room "

" whats up ?" i asked ,i didn't even look him in the eye

"about last night .." he started  "did you really meant what you said ?"

i looked him  in the eye and said " about the hate i get or how i hate my life .. because  they both are related , none of you understood how i felt .none of you even cared to ask me what i think i want , it was always about you guys , i know that i sound like a bitch now but do you know how much it hurts to see half of the world hating on you cuase of something that you have nothing to do with ,and the worst thing is my own family didn't care none of them  cared not even you nick , my twin " by now i was sobbing he hugged my tight and said " i'm sorry about tha, about everything , we were cought up on everything that i forgot about my sister for a while ,but please understand that we do what we do about you dating not because you are young or anything but because we don't want you to get hurt or feel any pain ..we do that because we care but i guess we forgot that you want something else , you are right ,we were so stupid to ever think that we can do such a thing , i'm sorry for not being the best brother yet twin than you can have but remember that EVERYONE in this house love you , and about the hate , these people has no life and because they are jealouse of you they send you hate , you are beautiful , smart and talnted girl don't let them get to you " 

i start cry even more after that " thank you " i whisprered sobbing more to his shirt " no thank you for making me relize how stupid we were " he said , i tried to lighten up the mood " yeah you guys can be really stupid sometimes " i said with a little chuckle " lets go downstairs yeah?"nick asked me and i noded , i washed my face first and dryed itand nick and headed downstairs "hay sister " Joe said with a small smile on his face ,then he looked at Nick and its like they had a small conversation just by looking in eachothers eyes ,joe goot up and hugged me " i'm sorry " "its okay , i should be the one who says sorry , last night i said rude things to all of you " " no you shouldn't be sorry " Joe said " okay lets forget about that and eat ,yeah " 

We went and ate our breakfast i asked them about Kevin " hay guys , do you think that kevin is still mad at Dani ?" i asked sad , " i don't think so , i mean after last night he was telling me that this was our fault and that you were right with every single hing you've said , so i guess he understood why Dani& Demi  helped you  " "good, i would've died if they fought cuz of me " 

we went and watched some TV and thats how we spent our day , later on Kevin and Dani came back home and the first thing I did is telling them how much sorry i am but they both told me to shut up , wow my whole family tells me to shut up , hurtfull ,but i won't have it any other  way .

" by the way guys .. you should start packing your stuff , you know that weare leaving for the Eouropen Tour in two days starting in London right ?! "" Kevin told us ,we all noded, i'm gonna start packing tomorrow , i wonder how this tour is gonna be this time , what adventour it will have .


Hello guys , well, they are going to London , that means ONE THING , Summer is gonna meet one of the futur members of One Direction , so be ready , One Direction And Jonas Brothers in One chapters , it's gonna be a lot of fun . Two Crazy boy bands ,what should we say !! ;) :P

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