Chapter 12

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  • Dedicata a @NickJayMyLife

you know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and all the good memories of the day befre come flashing in your mind which makes you smile even more and maybe think that this whole thing is just a dream you had ? well, that's how i am feeling right now , 

all the memories of last night came back to my mind , the date was so perfect that for a moment i'm scared that it was just another dream that i had .

i heard my phone buzzing signaling that i got a text message ,i checked my phone and it was Demi 


i'm bored , its like 5pm here n i have NOTHING to do ,, tell me bout the date ,,DO NOT LEAVE ANY DETAIL ..:))

Summer :

hi Dems.. just woke up :) , the dtae was AMAZIN, PERFECT. OMG it was the best date EVER .


Morning then :) , TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!


well, when he came to pick me up, Joe gave hm the talk :(, but when we were in the car i told him that i'm sorry bout my bro n he was like its k cuz and i'm qouting what he said 'u r beautiful he has to protict u from guys ' , and then we went to a park where the date was , a picnic date ,,it was so beautiful , we talked and talked and laughed we got to know each other better and then we were lookin at the stars and i was like hey look beautiful and he said beautifu but he was looking at ME ,then we both start leaning in and he kissed me ,OMG the kiss was PERFECT and after an hour or so we went back to my hotel and before i get out he gave me another kiss , OMG DEMI it was AMAZING ..plz tell me it was NOT a dream plzzzz .


OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG , that is so cuteeeeeeeeee,sister , that was NOT a dream that was REAL :))))))))))), i'm so freaking happy for u eeeeeeeeeeeeep.


EEEP ,thank u Dems, love u soooooooooooo much ,well, i g2g now to eat i'm really hungry and u know breakfast is the most important meal ;P , ttyl ,luv ya <3


ok ttyl ,luv ya too :) <33333.

i headed to the kitchen area and fixed a sandwich to eat and went to watch some TV while eating ,,Nop





i was changing channels to find something good to watch but they all were boring shows till i found THE CHATTY MAN , i heard that he is good, some say that he is like Ellen, and i LOVE Ellen she is amazing and funny ,don't you think ?!

the show was already on for a while and guess who was on , Yup , it was one direction, lets see what will happen , 

they asked harry about his advice to Matt and Harry started to explain the advice and let me tell you , you can know that he lying hahahha omg that boy is so dirty minded 

After a while They start talking about the plan raid to LA and he asked Harry about him getting naked , that was freaking funny  .

my favourite part was when they show an old pictures of the boys ,starting with Niall, he looked so freaking cute and then Louis picture , he look so cute too ,who am i kidding all the boys pictures were cutes , till it came to Harry's which made me laugh my ass off and what made me laugh even more when Louis start talking about Harry's mom, that was hilarious .that man loves embarrassing Harry 

From Jonas Sister To One Direction Friend *COMPLETED*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora