Chapter 51: Exile

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Kiana POV

I groaned pathetically as I woke up. I didn't think it was even humanly possible to feel this crappy. My head was pounding to the same beat of my heart, quick and uneven, my limbs were as heavy as lead and I was sore all over like I'd done a heavy workout. Even my skin felt awful, I was so hot but my skin was sticky and clammy, a cold sweat, one that made me feel sicker. I looked around slowly through narrowed eyes because moving too quick made me ill and I couldn't open my eyes any further than that anyway. I was just too tired.

It took way too long to figure out where I was but frankly I was just glad I wasn't completely braindead considering how awful I felt.

I wasn't quite sure how I felt about being in Blade's room, much less with his arm around me protectively and holding my hand, but then I decided it didn't matter because I felt too sick to really care. As long as I got to stay horizontal in the dark, I was fine with it.

Rolling over extra slow to keep from getting dizzy or waking him up, I let his hand go but left his arm slung around me to face him. My stomach turned and my head spun painfully as I did, and I had to wait a moment before the nauseous spell passed and I could breathe easily again.

Blade was peaceful in sleep. His face was smooth, wiped clean of any pain or guilt or anger. In fact, he looked almost like he was smiling a little bit, just the slightest curve to his lips made him look so happy. It was annoying how relaxed he looked when I felt like a zombie.

I pursed my lips and reached out to brush his cheek with the back of my hand slowly. He sighed, pulling me against him tightly. I smiled a bit, running one fingertip lightly along his bare arm, the one that was around me. A shudder ran through him and he groaned.

A laugh started to bubble up inside me, but wow it hurt. My throat felt dry and parched, my tongue like it was glued to the top of my mouth.

I drew my finger back up his arm and shoulder, up his jaw to his temple. He needed to wake up so I had someone to complain to. And possibly so he could get me some kind of tylenol or water or a cyanide pill.

"Stop," he mumbled, his hand coming up to stop me clumsily.

I inhaled deeply. Having his arm off of me made me feel colder yet this cold sweat wouldn't die off. I lifted the covers a bit, hoping to get some air and maybe feel less nauseous. Cool air came right under the sheets and against my skin, cooling me off nicely but I still felt clammy and I wasn't sure why. It was the kind of sticky sweat from a night of sweating, waking up the morning after my fever of sickness had broken. I definitely needed a shower, but I was far too tired and sore to move.

"Hey that's cold," Blade complained, clamping the sheets back down again.

"Ouch." I cringed, his voice was loud and right in my ear. It felt like a hammer pounding along inside my skull.

"What?" he asked sleepily, his eyes cracking open to half slits, unable to open his eyes all the way out of exhaustion.

"You're too loud," I whispered, but my throat was so dry I was mouthing it more than saying it.

"Sorry," he whispered back, eyes closing as he yawned. I put a hand under the sheets, putting it on his ribs before I slid it down slowly along his skin to his hip. At least he felt fresh to the touch. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know," I replied, my eyelids feeling heavy again. Besides the clamminess I felt like I could sleep for days in the darkness and comfort of his bed.

My hand slid up his ribs and back to his hip again, and rested there to find a new cool spot that hadn't been warmed by my touch.

He let out a slow breath, but didn't stir otherwise. "Don't do that. I'm too tired."

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