Chapter 25

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Valley groaned out in pain as she opened her eyes. . All she could see was pitch black.She was in a dark room. She tried to move but instantly regretted it. Every part of her body was sore. She was lying on the floor. She stood up and started to walk so she could feel around to try and map out where she was or what type of place she was at. After about five and a half steps she fell down to the floor. Her foot was chained to something. She had hurt herself even more she clenched her teeth together and grunted out in pain. She hated the fact that she moved. She was in so much pain that tears began to fall. She started to cry. She was scared. She didn't know where she was or anything. She didnt know where Angelic was either.

She slowly lied down on the hard floor and cried to herself. She had been kidnapped and she didnt know by who. Her sister was missing and she didnt know what to do.

After about 10 minutes of crying she heard another chain move. She knew it wasn't hers considering the fact that she had being lying there pretty still for the longest. She had been trying her hardest not to move. The pain was too unbearable.

"Who is that " she whispered quickly.

"Valley" Angelic groaned out in pain. Valley could feel her pain.

"Angel are you alright? Are you okay?" She asked trying to feel around the pitch black room to try and touch her sister but she couldnt. Angelic was all the way on the other side of the room. They had separated them. Valley didnt know what to do. Her head was killing her so she couldn't even think straight.

" I hurt Val I hurt real bad" She whined and cried. They both was sore from the car ramming into theirs.

"Val are we gonna die?" Angelic asked.

"No we're not gonna die".  Valley said.

"How do you know?" She asked

"I just do" Valley said. Truth be told Valley didnt know a dam thing. She didnt know if they were gonna die. She didnt know who brought them there. She didnt know if anyone back home even noticed they were gone.

All valley could hear was Angelic's sobs, and grunts from pain. After what felt like 6 hours but in actuality it was one hour Angelics Stomach started to growl.

Valley ignored it the first and second time, but after that she could no longer ignore it. The third time her stomach growled it was loud and distasteful. The sound of it gave Valley the chills. They had never went hungry before, but they also had never been held captive.

Valley didnt know why she was there, but she knew she was kidnapped. No one just randomly wakes up in a pitch black room chained down to the ground by the ankles. 

"Val I'm so hungry" valley whined and cried. Usually Val would hate when she cried it would irritate her soul, but today she didnt mind it. Today she cried with her.

"I know Angel I'm gonna figure something out"

Angel sniffed up her tears and the snot that was running down her nose.

"Heyyyy whoever is out there. Who ever is holding us hostage. My sister is hungry. You dont have to feed me just feed her please."  Valley yelled in the air.

A door opened and someone slid a metal bowl in the room. A little light peaked through so valley quickly turned to see where Angelic was she was kinda far but Val would be able to map out where she was in the dark.

The door opened again and another silver bowl slid in.  "Magically"  it landed directly in front of  Valley.

They were feeding them out of dog bowls. Valley felt so dirty, and small. She couldn't see what was put in the bowl cause it was so dark. So she took her hand then put it in the bowl. She felt it and it felt like grits. She already heard Angelic over there smacking on whatever was in the bowl.

"What is it Angel? Are those grits?" She asked

"Mhmm" Angelic answered while valley still was trying to figure out what it was.

Valley had made up in her mind that she wasnt eating unseasoned grits. She wasnt a fucking dog. She had too much dignity to be on her hands and knees eating out if dog bowl. She had rather starve to death than to loose her pride just because she was hungry.

"She need some water for these dry ass grits !" She yelled .

The door opened again and two bottles of water was thrown in there. Thats all that Valley would do. She would drink water.

They sat there for a while before Angelic began to cry again. "Angie its gone be fine"

"No its not Val we gone die i know it"

"No we're not. I wouldn't let them kill you. "

"You wouldn't even care."

"Yes I would Angie why would you say that?"

"You said it yourself you can't stand me Val."

"Of course I said that. Its gonna be times i say that because you're my little sister, but i still love you Angel" Valley trued to explain

"You're always so mean to me though. You never want me around you never say nice things to me You didn't even wanna take me to the park today. " Angelic said crying.

"Dont cry Angie. Im sorry for making you feel that way. I didnt realize how bad that effect you. The reason I acted like that was I was always the only girl. Me and daddy used to do everything together. I never had to share him. Yeah CJ and Cam were around too , but mom always had them. Then you came and I had to start sharing him and you was doing that cry baby shit making it harder for me to spend time with him. I juste was being jealous and selfish. I love you Angel even though I may not show it. It's the truth. I would let them kill me first before I  let them kill you. Im sorry for everything I've done wrong to you Angel. Forgive me?"

"Yes i Forgive you. I love you too" Angel said. Valley felt really bad she was aware that she was mean to Angel, but she didnt know it affected her that much.

She didnt know what to do all she knew was that she needed her daddy and grandpa. She was praying they new she was missing. She was trying to be strong for Angelic, but it was hard she was ready to get out of that place.

Daddy where are you?  She said out loud to herself


I KNOW I KNOW ITS SHORT, BUT IYS AN UPDATE. IM PUSHING FOR ANOTHER UPDATE TOMORROW SO YALL KNOW WHAT TO DO COMMENT  ///  SHARE /// RECOMMEND ❤️❤️❤️ if you're still reading thank you for your time.  Tell me what yall think

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