Chapter 13

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Arial walked down to the living room where CJ, Cam, and Angelic sat. CJ and Cam were playing the ps4 while Angie just watched hoping that her big brothers would give her a turn.

Arial took a deep breath. " CJ can I talk to you? I need your advice on something" CJ paused the game then looked up at her. "Yea Ari you can." He told her standing up sitting the controller on the couch where he once sat. CJ was really curious as to what it was that Arial wanted to talk to him about. Arial let CJ lead the way to his room. She walked behind him leaving a good distance between the both of them. She was literally shaking. Her nerves were kicking her ass. All of a sudden she started to think " Why the fuck am I nervous for? All I'm doing is asking for his advice. All I need to do is be led into the right direction. It's not like I like him or anything where he'll be mad at me. I'm not his girlfriend."

They finally got to CJ's room it seemed as if they were walking to his room for hours.

" you can sit down" CJ said once they got to his room.

She sat on his bed bouncing a little. He sat next to her giving her his undivided attention.

" so wassup Ari ?" He asked

" well you remember Dontae?...I need your advice about something."

CJ was slightly irritated that this is what she needed advice on, but he decided to still listen and be a good friend.

" alright go ahead and tell me wassup."

" so Dontae and I've been talking for a while, and he brought up the idea of being friends with benefits..." She went on to tell Cj the story. Cj looked at her as if she was stupid when she got done.

" so why you telling me this?" He asked her.

She was a little sad that he responded the way he responded, but she decided to answer him anyway.

" well because, you're my friend like my BestFriend at that and I needed well wanted your advice" she told him as she played with her finger nails.

" you want honesty" he asked her. Honestly he had something's to say to her he just needed confirmation that she wanted the truth because he didn't need anyone getting their feelings hurt.

" yes I do"

" okay I feel like he just trying to play you. He knows that you were feeling him. He doesn't want to be with you. He just want to fuck you. I think you stupid if you go on with it because it won't end well. It's yo pussy though you can do what ever you want. I'm just telling you straight up. If you do this I think it's a Thot move"

That last sentenced hit her hard. How could he say something was a Thot move when he was the biggest Thot of them all?

" you the one to talk"

" what do you mean ? you asked for my opinion and I told yo ass. You'll be stupid if you let a nigga you like run up in you whenever he want. He know you like him. He just using that to get what he want that's why he ran that stupid ass game on you. You'll be stupid to fall for it all I'm saying." He told her

" but u fuck buddies with girls all the time. " she pointed out.

" because they are Thots Ari. I only fuck Thots. You not a Thot that's what I'm trying to tell you." He said yelling at her. The whole house heard him. Arial tried to stop the tears that were forming but she couldn't they started to just run down her face.

" what the fuck you crying for Arial?" Cj asked.

" fuck you Carnell" she turned then ran out his room. He knew it was something when she called him by his real name.

He just let out a big breath and sat back on his bed. He wasn't about to babysit Arial's attitude.

Arial ran into valley's room and sat on her bed crying. Anthony, valley, and Shantelle looked at her like she was crazy. Then at the same time all three of them came to the realization that the talk with Cj must have not went well. Especially since they heard Cj yell at her through the whole house.

They all got up and pilled on Val's bed and got close to Arial.

"What's the matter?" Val asked

" your brother is an asshole"

"What happened in there" Anthony asked he was getting sick and tired of Cj hurting his sisters feelings.

She began to explain what he said to her. They were confused with her.

" we basically told yo the same thing Ari. So why are you crying now?" Shantelle asked. Everyone else nodded their head agreeing with Shantelle.

"I have a confession" Arial said lifting her head up and looking at them. She promised she would keep it to herself but she couldn't she just had to tell someone.

"We listening" valley said

"Wait" Arial said holding up her pointer finger. She got out of valleys bed then went to her door then opened it. She was making sure no one was there listening.

"Okay come close " Arial said.
They all huddled in a small circle as if they were a football team

" I'm just gone admit It. I like Cj. Like really like Cj. I just can't stop. I don't want to like him but I do." She said shamefully.

" so why don't you tell him instead of doing what you are about to do?" Anything asked.

" one because he made it clear that I'm not his type. He made it perfectly clear that he only fucks with light skin girls. Secondly because, Cj is not ready to settle down. Valley already warned me that he was a player when we first came here"
Valley nodded her head being honest.

" so Dontae not ready to settle down" shantelle pointed out.

" I know I just want him to keep my mind off Cj. Cj don't want me Shantelle. That's the crazy part. I don't want to be liking someone who doesn't feel the same about me. So if I just mess around with Dontae that'll keep my mind off Cj. Who knows something might happen between Dontae and I" she said shrugging her shoulders.

All of them knew she was going about the situation the wrong way. They were gonna tell her later though she was already emotional and they wasn't trying to hurt her feelings more than what they already were.

"So are you gone tell Cj how you feel ?" Shantelle asked.

"Hell no and yall not either. " she looked at them sternly.

" alright we'll keep it a secret" everyone else agreed.

It was a long day for everyone and they all wounded going to sleep.

It was about 3:00 am when CJ crept into valley's Dark room searching for Arial. He reached over and swiftly picked her up. He carried her down the hall to his room.

He laid her head on his chest.


"Hmm" she answer

" I'm sorry"

" it's okay" she said sleepily

" I shouldn't have yelled at you. I still feel the same about the situation but I came at it wrong. You do what you feel u need to okay?"




"Get some rest"

"Okay" she said as Cj put a tender kiss on her head
Cj just rubbed her back until she fell asleep. He didn't even mind her sobbing on his bare chest.

Shantelle was gonna do just that. Do what she felt was right. She was gonna call Dontae tomorrow and take him up on his offer.


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