Chapter 26

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"Breaking News. A 2016 Black Beamer destroyed in the middle of the street at Pine and Lotus. The driver is no where to be found. Investigators are tracking the license plates number as we speak. The license plates reads as follows V2468 if you have any questions or information please contact the Miami police department." The reporter said

"Roberrrrrtttttt" Tiffany said running through the house in a panic.

She ran to his office then turned on the news. Once he seen his car basically shattered into pieces he instantly jumped up. He didnt give two fucks about the car he was worried about his grandchildren. He saw that the news said the person driving the car was no where to be found. How was that possible?

He got the keys to one of his cars with Tiffany right on his ass. He had his phone in his hand and began dialing Carnell's number.

Carnell was in a middle of a meeting so he didn't answer. Robert continued to call until Carnell decided to answer.

"Wassup Pops" he said into the phone obviously irritated.
"You and P need to get here now. Like now. Val was driving my car with Angelic and She was somehow in a car accident. Its all over the news.

"What the fuck" Carnell said standing up P looked at him and followed grabbing all their things and following him out of the door.

Robert didnt tell Carnell that Angel and Valley were missing he needed to tell them that face to face.

Carnell ran to his car where his driving was sitting waiting for them.

"Take me to my Jet now. " he yelled. Carnell was so scared .

"Carnell whats wrong? What happened" Passion asked as she was beginning to get scared.

"Valley was in a Car accident and Angelic was in the car. " he said as tears threatened to fall. He didnt know how bad the car accident was. He didnt know if they were hurt badly. He didnt know anything he was completely blind to the situation. All he knew was that he needed to get back to Miami and he needed to get there fast.

Passion instantly stared to cry. She just had a feeling it was bad. She had a feeling. Mothers just knew. She was also tempted to get there now.

The car pulled up to the airport. Carnell and Passion quickly jumped out of the car and ran on to their private Jet.

"You think they good" Passion asked as the jet took off. She new they weren't fine thought she just needed a lie to make her feel better and be calm so she could act accordingly, because her daughters needed her the most.

About 30 minutes later the jet landed. One of Carnell's cars was waiting for him at the airport. He rushed over to the Car with Passion by his side.

He got in the driver seat with Passion in the passenger. He drove clutching the steering wheel as tears burned in the back of his eyes. He didnt know what to do. He didnt know what to say. He didnt have anything to say. He didnt know if his daughters were alive, dead, or in critical condition. He just knew they had been in a car accident. He could tell his parents were trying to give him limited information over the phone so he was rushing home. He had to get there. He had to get there fast also.

His hard was beating out of his chest. It felt as if a roller coaster was going off in his chest. He was scared. He barely feared anything, but this right here this particular circumstance was scariest thing in his life. He would be hurt if something tragic happened to anyone of his daughters, but he wouldn't be able to live with hisself know something bad happened to Valley and he didnt get to say bye or tell her how much he loved her.

After about 15 minutes of running through red lights, dodging traffic, and blowing every stop sign there was. He pulled up in his parents drive way. He used his key to unlock the door he quickly found his father and Mother talking to detectives.

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