Chapter Eight

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The Roommate – Chapter Eight

Bella's POV

"Sooooooooo." I said as Toby and I laid in bed the Monday after the party. "So, what?" He asked, taking off his sexy eyeglasses and putting his bookmark in his book. "So, what'd you think of the guys?!" I asked, anxious to hear his answer. "They were amazing. You've got yourself a good bunch of men. I was more nervous than I should've been, but like you've always told me, I dressed to impress, not stressed to impress." Toby said and kissed my forehead. "That should be my catchphrase." I said, looking up at the ceiling. "Why not?" He asked, then continued reading his book. I stared at the ceiling for a while, before picking up my phone form the bedside table and texting in the group chat.

It was about nine when I sent the first message in the group chat, getting a conversation going, and by the time we all said goodnight, it was no longer night, it was two am. But that was normal for us, Toby on the other hand went to bed at ten o' clock on the dot, he actually had places to be the next day, and couldn't wake up at noon on a Tuesday. However, that group chat was one of the few group chats I enjoyed being in. I could imagine all five of them sitting in their rooms, all of them just about three feet away from each other, in their beds, texting me and each other all night long. I really liked the group chat conversations, most of the topics were mildly dirty, and Kian never failed to make a hilarious joke every ten minutes, to keep us all entertained. I don't think I've ever heard another person say that they liked being in a group chat before.

But that night, I definitely slept good, thinking about how much I truly loved those boys, and how much they made me smile. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, those idiots have stayed by my side, and I don't think I could be more grateful for them.

Jc's POV

When Bella came home the next morning, she started mixing drinks right away. "This is in celebration; celebration of the best people I know." She said as she passed out glasses of Bella-Style cocktails. She held up her glass and said, "Cheers, to the best people I know." We all clanked our glasses together and drank. "So, why are we celebrating us, when you're the one who's really holding this train wreck together?" I asked, everyone mumbled in agreement. "Oh please, I'm not the one holding this shit show together, we all work as a team." She said as she took huge sips of whatever the fuck was in those glasses. "Nah, Bells. You hold this shit show together." I said and stood up. "Cheers, to the one person who not only knows how to keep five unruly men in order, but knows how to keep the bonds that are holding this family intact. TO BELLA!" I said and everyone clanked glasses. "You guys are too much." Bella said as she shook her head. "That's why you love us." Sam said. "Cheers to that!" She said, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Later on that day, we did our usual roommate shit, the shit we used to do before Bella got into her new relationship.

First, we hung out in the pool, like old times. It was about noon when we all got into our swim clothes and jumped in. Bella wore her usual sexy bikini, and mixed drinks for everyone while we splashed each other. We chugged beers while Bella drank her favorite juice mixed with vodka, and we had a usual O2L pool hangout. After the pool, we immediately turned on our old as fuck Wii, and put in the Mario Kart disc. We must have played that for hours, Bella epically losing every time, coming in 12th place every round. And of course, it was a yelling match between the rest of us, as Bella had her focus on not coming in last. But after a while, like usual, Bella gave up because she was really sick of losing.

Around four pm, Toby called Bella. At that time, we were playing Cards Against Humanity and laughing our asses off. Bella stared at her ringing phone for a good amount of time before she declined it and continued playing. We played that game for what felt like hours, but was probably only a half an hour at most. Then, we resulted to poker. And of course, Toby called again during our poker match, and Bella immediately ignored it, and went back to the game.

Toby's POV

I called Bella when I got home from work, wondering where she was, because she was usually here to greet me when I got home. I then waited an hour and called her again, and it went to voice mail within seconds, I knew she was ignoring my calls. I got a bit worried, she didn't usually ignore my calls. However, I convinced myself she was going to call back eventually and she was perfectly fine, there was nothing to worry about.

Hours passed, and not a text or call was made. But this time, when I called, she answered. "Bella Bear!" I said, shocked she even answered. "Listen, I'm chillin' with my roomies, can this wait? Seriously, it feels like you've been blowing up my phone when I'm just trying to hang out with my guys." She said. I felt bad, but also didn't think she was being any type of rational. "You couldn't have texted me that? I was over here worried goddamn sick." I said, and I knew she heard the tone I was using, because she mumbled something and the background noise went from a bunch of people talking, to the sound of cars speeding down the road. "No, I couldn't have. You were at work, and I usually do what I want when you're at work. But I'm sick of cutting my plans short so I can greet you at the door when you get home. I was having the time of my life. Just like old times, we swam, we played Mario Kart, we played card games, it was amazing. And I shouldn't feel guilty for doing something I love." She said, I could feel her annoyance through the phone. "You don't need to get an attitude with me, Bella. I was worried, because you always answer my calls, and you didn't this time, therefore, I was worried and I'm so sorry that you didn't want my concern." I said. She picked up on my attitude really quick. "So I can't get an attitude with you but you can have all the fucking attitude in the goddamn world? Hmm. That doesn't seem right." Bella said and hung up the phone, obviously angry, and obviously at me.

Bella's POV

"I cannot fucking believe HIM!!" I screamed as I walked back into the living room and sat down in my spot once more. "What happened?" Jc asked as he stopped dealing cards, they were all pretty curious. "He calls me and says he's worried sick, and then expects me to text him exactly what I was doing. He called me all those times because I wasn't waiting at his doorway with my arms out like I usually do. I told him, I was sick of waiting for his ass to get home from work, I could have been having fun, but no. I'm sitting on your couch waiting for you because I choose to love you instead of make plans or do things that make me happy. I'm sick of it." I said. I slammed my hand down on the table. I'm going over there, and we will either talk this out, or I'll take my shit and go. Sam, I'm borrowing your duffle." I said and stormed out of the living room and upstairs to grab my car keys and Sam's duffle bag. This was not going unsettled.

I raced to Toby's, angrier than I had ever been. I banged on the door, louder than I ever had. And when he opened it, all hell was let loose.

Literal hours upon hours of screaming, yelling, arguing. Back and forth, insult after insult. Our first big fight.

Sam's POV

"How do you think Bella's doing?" I asked, a way to break the silence and start some sort of conversation. "I think she's doing just fine, Toby got himself into this, she's laid back until you get on her nerves, then all hell breaks loose and you wish you weren't born." Kian said and continued to play games on his phone. I, on the other hand, thought something else. I didn't think that Bella was doing fine, maybe she was doing perfectly well at arguing, but I meant mentally. And I, for one, didn't think she was in a good mental state right now. This was her first fight with Toby, and who knows how this could end, it could end in smiles, or tears.

Bella's POV

At this point, no more fighting was going on, only crying and comforting. I had broken down, no other words to say. And the only words Toby could say, were "I'm sorry." And even those words just weren't enough. Something about that fact that he made me cry, made him a completely different human. He went from mad to sad, from angry to sorry, from hypocritical to wonderful. He was restored to his normal self.

After I was done crying, we finally had a civil conversation, where Toby admitted that he was a hypocrite and shouldn't have been. We established that he didn't need to keep tabs on me at all times, and that I didn't need to greet him when he got home from work every day, either. And it all seemed okay, but it wasn't. It wasn't at all.

That night, not only did we end our first big fight, but we ended our relationship.


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