Chapter Six

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The Roommate – Chapter Six

Bella's POV

"Do you really have to go?" I asked. I was still in bed, but Toby was getting ready for work. "Yes, Bella Bear, I have to go." He said as he tightened his tie. "But, Toby!" I whined. "You know when I'll be home, and I'm sure you want to go back to your place at some point, don't you?" He said and walked out of the room, and I eagerly followed. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I won't miss you." I said as I poured myself some juice. "I'll miss you, too. But I have to go to work, I might lose my job." He said. I smiled, kissed him, and sent him on his way to work, knowing that he actually needed to be there.

I then got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and walked out the door. I was on my way back home.

Sam's POV

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked, all five of us sitting on the couch. "Depends on when Bella gets here." Jc said and took a sip of a beer. "Dude, it's like eight am, why are you drinking beer?" Kian asked, attempting to take the beer away from Jc. "It's called waking up right." He said with a chuckle. The front door swung open, and Bella screamed, "I'M HOOOOME!!" as she walked through the door and shut it behind her. "About time!" Jc joked. "Shut up, pansy. Beer in the morning? What happened to vodka?" She asked and Jc got up, trying to act intimidating. "Ooh! I'm scared!" Bella exclaimed, sarcastically.

"What do you wanna do today, Bells?" I asked. "I don't know. I need a coffee though, Connor?" She asked. Connor's head perked up. "Coffee sounds great." He said and rose from the couch and running upstairs to get his shoes. "What about after coffee?" Jc asked. "Think of something." Bella said and walked upstairs.

By the time everyone was ready, it was ten am. "Come on! We can get breakfast if we hurry up!" I shouted from downstairs. "Ew! No, I hate breakfast!" Jc yelled back. "Fine, we can get lunch some place." I yelled back. And suddenly everyone was ready and piling into the car. "Where do you guys want to go to eat?" I asked as I started the car. "TOO MANY CHOICES!!" Bella screamed at the top of her lungs, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

We ended up going to In-n-Out, which seemed to be the most hectic restaurant that we could possibly have gone to, however, we were already in line and there was no going back now. During the wait in the drive-thru line, Toby became a very hot topic. "So, what did you and Toby do last night?" Jc asked, and suddenly everyone was beyond intrigued. "Well, not much actually. We basically just went to bed. He has an actual grown-up job, that he has to drive to, and be on time to, and get dressed up for. So we didn't stay up late." She said, which to me was a huge relief that it wasn't something scandalous or really romantic. "BOOOOOOORING!!" Kian yelled from the way back seat. "Shut up! He just has shit to do. Unfortunately, he can't go to In-n-Out at ten thirty because he has a job that needs him to be working instead of waiting in a drive through and vlogging while we're waiting in the car." Bella said and nudged Ricky's shoulder. Ricky was always vlogging, so that comment made everyone laugh, including Ricky, because he knew that he always vlogged.

Eventually we got our food, and we took it home to eat. We all ate by the pool, sitting in poolside chairs and talking while our mouths were full of burgers and fries. "So, tell us about Toby." Connor said as he sipped on his strawberry milkshake. Toby was an extremely popular topic recently, it just seemed like we were always talking about Toby. "He's sweet, funny, nice. He buys me my favorite juice, watches movies with me, normal couple stuff like that. Oh, and he likes getting drunk and partying. He always has booze in his house, no matter what day of the year it is, you can depend on liquor." Bella said, then continued eating her fries. "We should invite him to our pool party." Ricky suggested. Not a word was said, Bella just sat there awkwardly and stared at me with sorrow in her eyes. "I think we should, too." I said, and Bella's look changed from sadness to shock. "Bells? Sound like a plan? Invite Toby to our pool party, you know the one we've been planning for months? That one." Kian said. "Sure." She said in a rather high pitched voice, basically saying that it'd be beyond awkward if Toby came to the party.

Bella's POV

Around four o' clock, I left the house to go back to Toby's to talk to him about the party. I didn't want to ask him, but I couldn't make up some lie that I did ask him, when I really didn't. So when Toby came home from work, at around five o' clock, I was forced to talk to him about this party. Although, Sam did say that Toby would be welcome if he did come, I suppose that it's really all in my head.

"Toby, I have a question to ask you." I said, he must have picked up some type of nervous vibes in my voice because he immediately asked me what was wrong. "Nothing's wrong. I just need to ask you a question, that's all." I said, more calmly than before. "Okay, so ask." Toby said. We were standing in the middle of the living room, and I must have been acting nervous, because Toby kept asking me what was wrong. "Nothing's wrong, Toby!!" I exclaimed and finally decided to man up and just ask the damn question. "Do you want to come to the O2L pool party, you're more than welcome, so don't think that it'll be really awkward. It won't be. It's just like coming to my party, I know that it's at my place, where a bunch of YouTubers are gonna be partying, but I really want you to be there." I explained. "Two things. One, that was way over explained, Bella Bear. And two, of course I'll go to the party, it'll be fun." He said and walked into his bedroom. I followed him into the bedroom. He began getting undressed while I sat on his bed and watched. "So, when is this party?" Toby asked as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Saturday." I said and began playing games on my phone. "I can't wait." Toby said and leaned over the edge of the bed to kiss me. "Neither can I." I said after the kiss was broken.

I knew for a damn fact that that Saturday was not only going to be beyond awkward, but really fun at the same time. And I also knew, that having the guys meet my boyfriend, was going to be a roller coaster ride in itself. However, none of that really phased me because I felt confident that Toby would be one hundred and ten percent ready to impress and make that party his own. And I was ready to show him off as my man-candy.

Sam's POV

The Friday night before the party, all of us, including Bella were rushing around in attempt to get everything set up and looking good. "Are the lights hung?" Bella asked as she ran outside to staple the table cloths to the bottoms of the tables. "No!" I yelled back, throwing the strands of white Christmas lights to Connor, which he then took outside to hang. Jc and Kian were working on food, Ricky was working on the front door, a key element in the experience. The theme was "All Things Tumblr". We had white lights, cocktails in mason jars, artsy table set ups, Pinterest-inspired foods, and much more. Bella came up with the theme, and the dress code for that matter. Your attire had to be Tumblr, high-waisted shorts, crop tops, sunglasses, Vans, etc. This party was the biggest party yet, with more guests than we've ever served. And this party was also the party that required the most planning, decorating, and preparing.

When we were done, Bella, myself, and the rest of us, stood outside in the corner of the backyard and admired the work we had done, and how well we put this together. "I think we did a damn good job." Kian said, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the masterpiece we just created. "I think so, too." Bella said, a smile larger than life spread across her face as she looked at the Tumblr themed décor. "Now, we can finally go to sleep. It's practically tomorrow." I said and began walking back into the house.

That night, while we were all having a before-bed cocktail, we started talking about how this party was going to go, how amazing it was going to be, and how well composed our party's theme was. But, after a while, everyone began yawning, as it was two am. "Goodnight, guys." Bella said as she put her glass down and headed for the stairs. "Goodnight, Bells." We said as her presence disappeared.

By the time I actually walked into my room, it was about three am, and I noticed that Bella's light was still on. I knocked on her door, and was greeted by Bella, who was standing in the doorway in her cute little pajamas, and damn she looked adorable. "I just wanted to see if you were really still awake or you just forgot to turn your light off." I said and began walking away from her door. "Sam?" I heard her soft voice ask. "Yeah, Bells?" I asked in return. "Thank you, for letting Toby come, I'm sure that he's not your ideal party guest, but I really appreciate you agreeing to let him come, it was really big of you to do that." She said and ran into my arms. We stood in the middle of the hallway for a few minutes, just hugging, her way of expressing her gratitude towards me. And when the hug broke, and she went into her bedroom, and I went into mine, we stood in the doorways for just a moment, and she blew me a kiss, just like she used to. I smiled, she smiled, and everything just felt so great.

Maybe it was a blessing that we didn't end up together, because in the end, we're much closer as friends.


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