Chapter Seven

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The Roommate – Chapter Seven

Sam's POV

Saturday, the night of the party. The biggest O2L party that we've ever thrown. Nothing was more nerve racking. I felt like a high-schooler taking finals, or an employee on their first day – nervous and just one mistake away from throwing up.

"Dude, stop pacing. You're making me nervous." Connor said as he slipped his shoes on. "Sorry, this is the biggest party we've ever thrown, and the first O2L party Bella has ever been to. I just feel like I need to impress her with what we can do, and everyone else who has been to one of our parties expects a lot. It's just nerve racking." I attempted to explain myself. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked. "Going to the liquor store. We have all the recipes and shit, but we need the booze. Ricky's coming with me, did you want to come too?" Connor asked. I shook my head no, and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, but while I'm gone, find some way to calm down. Please." He said and walked out the door with Ricky.

Calm down? How could I calm down? Not only do I have our regular party guests to impress, but I have Bella to impress. And as if impressing Bella wasn't hard enough, I had to impress Toby too! At this point, I didn't know what "calm down" meant.

Bella's POV

"YO!!" I screamed as I walked through the front door. "Bells! What are you doing here?" Sam asked, as if this wasn't where I lived. "I live here." I said and pushed his shoulder a little. "Oh, right." He said and went back to pacing around the room. "Is there anything I can help with?" I asked. Sam stopped pacing, and ran into my arms. I could tell there was definitely something wrong, just by how tight he held onto me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. He shook his head. "Do you need a Bella-Style cocktail?" I asked. He nodded his head and broke the hug, then sat on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed cherry vodka, lime juice, and seltzer water. Then, found our drink mixer and put the vodka, lime juice, and seltzer in the mixer with ice and shook it really well. Then, poured the drink into a glass and handed it to Sam. "This is Bella-Style?" He asked as he took a sip. "Yes. Twice as much vodka than seltzer." I said and sat next to him on the couch. "Don't worry so much, you don't need to stress to impress, you need to dress to impress." I said and took him by the wrist, upstairs and into his room.

"Dress to impress?" Sam asked as I opened his closet doors to see what I had to work with. "Why, of course." I said with smile. "So, you're going to dress me like I belong on someone's dashboard?" He asked. I nodded my head and pulled out a pair of black jeans, a plain white tee, his maroon Vans, and a matching snapback. "How is any of this Tumblr inspired?" Sam asked. "You're asking questions too soon." I said and threw the jeans at him.

Once Sam was dressed, and I had cuffed his jeans up slightly, and did the same to the tee shirt sleeves, I made him look in the mirror. "Damn." He said, the only word that came out of his mouth as he checked himself out in his mirror. "You like it?" I asked with a smile on my face. "I more than like it." He said and hugged me. "Just add a pair of cheap shades, like Ricky has, and you'll be good." I said and broke the hug. "Thanks." He said as I walked across the hall and into my room. "Dress to impress, not stress to impress." I said and shut my bedroom door.

Now, my outfit. I pulled out so many different options that I lost track of what looked good with what. But finally, I decided on a pair of dark wash high-waisted shorts, a navy blue crop top with a pink floral pattern on it, my white Converse, and a choker. I curled my hair and did my makeup, then felt ready to go.

It was about six o' clock, and I decided that I needed to get Toby at one point. "What time should Toby and I be here?" I asked Kian and Jc, who looked rather dashing if I do say so myself. "I'd say like eight, at the earliest. People should be coming at around eight thirty, but I'd assume that you would wanna be here a little earlier to get first dibs on the drinks." Kian said and I went on my way to Toby's.

Toby's POV

"Hey, Bella Bear." I said as she walked into my room. "What are you wearing?!" She asked in shock. "What do you mean? I think I look good." I said, looking in the mirror at my outfit, trying to see what was oh-so wrong with it. "It's a Tumblr inspired party, you can't wear a suit and tie to a Tumblr inspired party!" Bella said, making me seem clueless. "What qualifies as Tumblr inspired attire?" I asked. Bella slapped her forehead, then resulted to my closet. She began throwing garments of clothing over her shoulder and onto my bed. "You want me to wear these?" I asked, picking up the clothes off my bed. "Yes, I'll show you the exact photo that I'm getting my inspiration from. Just put these on." She said and closed my closet doors. "Alright." I said hesitantly. "Trust me." She said and kissed me.

I put on the cuffed denim shorts, the patterned and collared tee, and navy blue Toms that Bella had chosen for me. I then looked in the mirror, stunned. "So, this was what you meant by Tumblr inspired." I said as I checked myself out. "Yes, and here's the photo." She said and showed me a photo on her phone of a man wearing an outfit very similar to mine. "So when it comes to Tumblr, ditch the suit and tie?" I asked. Bella giggled. "Yes, ditch the suit and tie." She said.

Bella's POV

Walking into that party, was probably one of the most hectic situations ever. Just finding the guys was hard. But when we did, every single one of them was excited to meet Toby, and the entire conversation turned into a Q&A. "So, Toby, what do you do for work?" Kian asked. "I'm an attorney." He said. "A lawyer?" Sam asked, shocked. "A lawyer!" Toby mocked. And then the guys proceeded to ask questions about Toby's personal life and his work life, but most of all, they ended up threatening him, as a dad would do to his daughter's boyfriend. Their favorite threat seemed to be, "Hurt her, and we'll hurt you." I didn't think that Toby could handle meeting the guys, as if he were too fragile or sweet, but he took shots, made jokes, and really handled the situation like a boss. I was real proud of him, too.

Sam definitely took my advice on not stressing to impress, but dressing to impress instead. He added a pair of Ricky's cheap shades, like the ones you get at souvenir shops in tourist cities, and really relaxed. And the party itself was amazing. All the décor looked exactly how I imagined, the drinks were amazing, people loved the playlist that I created, everything was going smoothly.

Toby's POV

I personally loved that party, and was more than happy that Bella invited me to it. I talked to her roommates, and had blast with them, I helped Bella mix drinks, like a bartended, at the last minute because they ran out of Pinterest-inspired cocktails, and I overall enjoyed myself. And meeting Sam wasn't as horrible as I assumed it was going to be, we actually got along really well.

Towards the end of the night, when the last few people were leaving, Bella and I stayed back to help with clean-up. Let's just say it was more chit-chat than cleaning. "So, Toby, what do you drink?" Jc asked as he put bottle upon bottle of booze back into their alcohol cabinet. "Usually straight vodka or scotch, I'm not a huge fan of fancy little mixed drinks. And it's usually on the rocks." I said. "A straight liquor kind of guy, you got a keeper over here, Bells." Jc said and poured me a glass of bourbon, of course, on the rocks.

Bella and I didn't stay for much longer after all the clean-up was taken care of. "Bye, guys!" Bella said as she walked out the door with me, hearing goodbyes as we closed her front door. "That was fun, wasn't it?" Bella asked as we got into the car. "Yes, it was. I had a lot of fun tonight, babe." I said and leaned over to kiss her before I drove away from her house.

Sam's POV

"So, what'd you guys think of Bella's new man?" Jc asked as we continued tidying up the last few things before going to bed. It was almost five am, but we still chose to stay up later anyways. "I like him, he seems alright." Kian said, shrugging his shoulders a little. "I liked him. He was a shit ton of fun." I said, painfully admitting that I truly liked Bella's new boyfriend, the boyfriend who wasn't me. "I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth." Kian said as he continued to clean the countertop that he had cleaned about four hundred times. "Well, as much as I kind of hate to admit it, I like him. He seems like an awesome fit for our little Bella." I said. "So, we all actually like this guy? I don't think we've all ever agreed on one thing. Like, ever." Connor said. "Well, I suppose miracles do happen." I said and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

And that night I went to bed happy, happy knowing that Bella was happy, and that was all I needed.


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