"What?" The boy felt utterly confused, trying to find an answer in Louis blue eyes, which were currently gazing up at the stars above them into nothingness.

Louis turned back to look at him, "Have you ever heard of Bloodmates?"

"Blood what?" Harry repeated, even more confused than a moment before.

"Bloodmates," Louis clarified, "it's one of the few vampire myths, or facts, whatever floats your boat I guess," he paused a second, but soon continued to explain.

"It's how vampires call their 'mates', their true significant one. Humans could call it a soul mate. Basically, there's an old vampires tale who says that in the whole wide world, there are always two persons who have the same blood. It's like how told you before, that everyone smells and tastes different. I told you everyone has different blood. I was wrong, there's always one person who has the same blood, even though they're the farthest from related. It has nothing with family or DNA to do.

Now according to our stories, two vampires who used to have the same blood when they were still human would feel such an attraction to each other, none other than two super magnets, that they couldn’t be but with each other. Kind of the opposite of opposites attract." Louis was quiet after that, letting his words sink in.

"Why- why are you telling me this?"

"I wasn’t' done yet," Louis smiled softly, "So those two bloodmates would definitely fall in love. No way that they could ignore such an attraction as they literally belong to each other. Plus, vampires already have some kind of sixth sense involving mates, so they would both know that they're bloodmates, know that they would be happy together. No one would want to let that go to waste."

"So what do you mean? Is it something with Liam, or do you know two vampires like that?"

Louis patted his hair, endeared by his childlike curiousness and confusion.

"It's not about Liam, you tosser. It's about you. I don't know how it could've happened, but I think you're my bloodmate, I'm yours. Although I've never heard of a human-vampire couple, I still don't think it's much different."

Harry let the arm that was still touching Louis fall down and took a step back, needing his space. "I- so you want to say that this is a forever kind of thing? I mean I really like you right now and I couldn't imagine a life without you anymore, but I'm only 17. Everything can just change in a heartbeat. Not that I want it to change, but. And, wait, is everything I feel than real? Or is it just some kind of magical, paranormal spell that I'm under. Do I just think it's real because I-" He was starting to panic.

"Harry," Louis interrupted, his hand reaching for his shoulder to comfort the boy. Harry however, instinctly flinched back. He shook is head in confusion as he took notice of his action.

"Louis, stop. I- I think I just need some space to think right now. Can you please leave?" he shook his head like it would help him get his head clearer.
When he saw the pained expression appearing on Louis' face, he immediately felt sorry and regretted his words. "I didn't mean it like that, I just have to sort my thoughts out. After all, you did drop a heavy bomb on me."

"Yes, sure," Louis answered softly with a hopeful, but not that sincere smile, "Just make sure you get back to our dorm before midnight. Don't want anything bad for you to happen or for you to get lost in the Woods." He bit on his lip, torn between choosing to leave, giving in to Harry's needs, and wanting to stay to make sure the boy would be alright.

"I'll be okay. I just need some time," Harry reassured, giving him a chaste peck on the cheek to let him know they were, in fact, okay. Louis left, disappearing into the night, probably on his way to their dorm. He didn't look back once. He just had his gaze fixed on the ground before him as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Harry really hoped Louis would forget him soon. Surely he should understand that Harry just needed some time to think. Louis couldn't just assume that Harry would immediately accept everything? He was a seventeen year old boy experiencing his first relationship. Yes, everything was more than absolutely perfect right then, but he didn't know what he wanted to do in a year or more, and Louis had made it more than clear that this bloodmates-thing he thought this was, counted as a 'forever and always'. Hell, how could that even work? Harry couldn't live forever for crying out loud! He was just a normal, mortal boy.

And with everything Louis had told him, how could he be sure that his own feelings were real. The story made it seem like they were under a spell, that a supernatural power forced them to belong together. Was he just blind?

On the other hand, Harry really, really couldn’t imagine a life without Louis anymore. His life before he met Louis seemed so bland in comparison with his life including the bright, loving vampire. He wasn’t sure but maybe, Harry could even, already love him? Could that be real? Or, was that just because they were apparently bloodmates?

 Ugh, everything’s just so confusing and frustrating, Harry thought as he put his hands in his pockets, huffing. He wanted to turn around, decided to head back already, the night a tad too cold, but was soon met by someone walking into him on his right side.

“Oh, sorry sir, I didn’t see you. I was just Uhm, walking?” Harry stabled as he noticed who it was, trying to come up with an excuse as to why he was still out that late at night. Shit, he definitely would get suspended for this. Students were not allowed outside after eight ‘o clock. He didn’t get an answer, though.

“Wha-?” He tried to utter in confusion, noticing what the other person was doing, but got soon stopped by a hand, muffling his words and, more importantly, a fist coming up to hit his temple. Even though a blinding pain faired through his head, the first thing to come up his mind is to get away as soon as possible, so he starts to fervently kick his legs, hoping to hit just any target.

It didn’t help in the end. A suspiciously smelling cloth got pressed to his mouth and nose, suffocating him and forcing him to breath in the thick scent. From that moment everything started to get dull, edges blurring, limps getting heavier and heavier, until it came to an end with an all overtaking darkness.

“You’ll be the perfect bait, boy” he heard the intruder laugh viciously, before he got swung on a shoulder. He lost consciousness after that.

AN: Can you guess who it is???

In A Heartbeat - Larry Stylinson [complete]Where stories live. Discover now