Chapter 11: Smitten

Start from the beginning

“Ooh, Cassy  done found a bear to eat her honey!” She joked.

“Nova!” Her big mouth was going to embarrass me in front of the entire bar!

Nova shrugged her shoulders. “Bitch, you know it’s true. He just can’t wait to put his hands in that jar girl.”

“Girl shut up, you forgot Tyrone is still sitting here.” I pointed to Tyrone and Nova only waved him off returning to the contents of her purse.

“Girl please, aha found it!” She pulled out her tube of lipstick and stood up. “He’s like one of the girls, he doesn’t care. I’m going to the bathroom.” With nothing left else to say she sashayed her way to the back of the club. I couldn’t help but feel bothered by her comment. If anything, I knew Tyrone did not want to hear about either of us being with men. No man would.

I looked to Tyrone and all his attention was on his phone.

“Tyrone, are you ok? I know that heffa can step out of line some-,”

“No its fine.” He said impassively. To anyone else they would think that he was fine with the situation, but I knew Tyrone. If I was bothered, he must have felt uncomfortable. I know I would be. Not for a second believing him, I placed my hand on top of his wrist.

“Are you sure? Tyrone, look at me.” He raised his head and starred straight at me but I had this eerie feeling that he was looking through me.

“Yeah.” Was all he said. He then reached for his coat that was sitting beside him in the booth and began putting it on.

Confused I asked, “Why you putting on your coat? Where you going?”

He ignored my question and stood and started to leave, but not before I figured out what the hell was wrong with him. I grabbed hold of his arm and the look he gave me when I stopped him from leaving….If looks could kill I would have been dead.

“Let go Cassy, I have somewhere to be.” His voice was low and unnerving.

“Or what Tyrone!” I yelled, but I lowered it at remembering where I was.  He was really beginning to piss me off with this attitude switch. I looked away and mentally counted to ten before speaking again. “Why, I thought we were having fun?”

When he didn’t speak I took that as an initiative to stand to his level and hold his arms so that I could look at him. But doing that, I wish I was prepared for the amount of hurt that was sheltered in his eyes. If Nora’s comment hurt him that bad, then I was sure to let Nova know!

“Tyrone, did what Nova said upset you?” I felt some compassion towards him, but at the same time it was Nova. She was known for her smart mouth and sharp tongue. He knew damn well what he was getting into when he met her. Hell, the first day she asked if she could fuck him. Tyrone tensed up like he was talking to his first crush.

When he didn’t respond, I took him in for a hug. “Tyrone don’t pay her no mind. Please stay.” I pleaded in his ear. His response to me was detached, he didn’t wrap his arms around me like he usually would. Instead he actually gently pushed me back and he couldn’t even look me in the eyes.

“It’s not her Cassy, It’s you. I gotta go.” I stood there with my jaw on the floor as he made his way to the exit of the bar. It was me? What the hell could I have possibly done? My mind was racing with possibilities and then I realized he didn’t start feeling some type of way until Zeke came up. Did he know him? We’re they enemies?

The endless thoughts. So many, I had to sit down and grab another shot glass. That shit was really blowing my mind.

Nova plops her ass back in the spot saying ‘oops’ and began giggling. I can tell the alcohol was starting to take effect of her and every time she drank, it was hella funny. She was a sloppy drunk.

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