Chapter Nine; War Overnight

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The wolf growled and circled my body as other wolves picked up the scent of my blood.

"Just let it happen." I muttered. "Why would you want a Luna who is broken, I've lost everything I've ever cared about. My brother, my mate and my pack which didn't even care for me up till the end, however I don't blame them!" I hollered. "I'm a broken Luna that was being pulled apart by three alphas!"

A wolf jumped on the brown one, I watched with my body feeling weak. My arm started to feel numb and limp as I gazed off into the war. Blood splattered the dirt and trees as wolves take big chops on each other.

"Stop... Fighting." I muttered as my voice began to get stronger. "Stop fighting!"

I gathered myself to my feet and watched as the fights before me, I knew Axel had sent these wolves to Jackson. He would be the only one to care for Jackson's sad little pack, the gathered rogue pack seemed to do just fine on their own.

I guess I'll do what I do best, and just run away.

My heart ached as I felt the emptiness where Xidan should be, his love kept me together like glue but with the glue gone I'm everywhere.

I turned to run into the woods however two hands landed on my shoulder, turning me around to see his familiar blond hair and kind face.

"Jameson? H-how are you alive?" I asked in awe that someone from Xidan's pack is still alive.

"Xidan's kicked me out of the pack after he found out I betrayed him and sent you off with his brother for protection, I'm.....- sorry about that." He mumbled.

I scowled at him. "Serves you right, however how are you alive and standing in front of me anyways?"

He huffed and glanced around us to see no one paying attention to us. "After getting kicked out of the pack, I still kept up on the whereabouts of Jackson and the health of you. After hearing about Chester, I dashed to the Alpha king and got in his Guard hoping to keep a close eye on you." He explained. "Which brings be here for you."

I glared at him. "How can you work for the same man who killed your alpha and kept your Luna locked away in his castle?!"

"You look pretty well kept, except for the wounds you've inflicted on yourself." He uttered while gazing to my forearm.

"Xidan's is gone and I'm left here with no family, no pack, and with a crazed man whose killed off his own family!" I hollered. "Of course I'm trying to leave this world, it's become my own personal hell!"

"I'm not here to pity you Phoenix but to offer you a deal. And no I'll keep true to my word unlike other men." He hinted to Axel and Jackson.

I sighed. "What? It can't be worse than staying here."

"I will take you to your brother whose in another state, if you promise to destroy Jackson while you're here. I won't take you to your brother until you give me Jackson's head."

I scowled at him. "As much as I'd love to kill Jackson, how in the hell am I supposed to get past his rogue of a pack?

"Not my problem."

"What beef do you have with him anyways?"

"He's twisted my life into one pot of hell and killed off the only Alpha I'd follow."

I huffed. "You didn't follow him when you tried to give me to Jackson, you were practically bowing down to Jackson!"

"Doesn't matter, I've done stupid things just like you've made stupid choices."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine I can agree with you on that."

"Good, now I'm going to give you a dead line...- which is only a month, your personal hell can turn up if he give me his head. You'll be able to see David again." He told me with a grin.

"Fine, but only because I've got nowhere else to turn, I'm being cornered by Axel and Jackson."

Jameson smirked. "And Jackson lied about the death of Xidan, Axel didn't kill him....- he did."

My body stiffened and my eyes widened.

"He did always say he'd do anything for you, even kill." Jamson uttered to me. "Now bring me his head, I'll meet you at your old pack. Meet me in the ashes of the pack house."

I nodded and balled my fists. "I'll definitely be there." I grumbled.

He nodded and dashed off into the woods, disappearing within the brush.

His and His Only Queen **BOOK TWO**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang