"You hungry?" I asked once she had calmed down.

"Yeah a little." She replied. I grabbed her hand and helped her off the bed and we went down to the kitchen. I picked up the phone and dialed the number i knew by heart. After living here for 2 years alone with no one to enjoy good food with you, you start to memorize most food delivery numbers.

"Pizza will be here in 15" I announced watching her glance through her phone.

"No one has even texted me wondering about me." The pain in her voice was evident and I fell apart for her again.

We looked at each other for a while when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" I mumbled to myself and jogged to the front door.

When I returned back into the living room, Molly was sitting on the floor looking straight ahead. I set the pizza down and sat next to her and looked at the same wall. She finally turned to me, "What are you doing?" She asked

"I was trying to figure out what you were looking at." I whispered. She reached behind me and grabbed the Pizza box and took a slice. I also grabbed on and we ate in silence looking at each other once in awhile.

"Where are you originally from?" She asked working on her third piece of pizza.

"Redditch." I replied. "You?"

"New Hampshire" She replied. "Manchester". I nodded, pretending to know where that is.

"How old are you?" I tried to push more out of her.

"22, you?"


"What do you do for a living?" Her question took me by surprise, but I was happy to answer.

"I am the Owner of 'Swan Record Label'" I replied smoothly. Her eyes went wide as her pizza fell out of her hands and she struggle to stay sitting up.

"Seriously?" She asked and I nodded.

"You're THE Harry Styles?" She asked, and I nodded again. She reached for her pizza.

"WOW" was the last thing she said.


Molly's P.O.V

7:27 PM

I woke up from yet another nap, I really needed to stop sleeping so much. As I rubbed my eyes, everything that had happened recently rushed back to me, and I felt that feeling of uneasiness in my stomach. I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Harry's laptop sat but I didn't see him.

I turned the corner and saw the TV quietly playing and Harry laying passed out on the couch. I walked over to approach him and asked him something I never thought I would ask any man after what happened. I nudged him slightly and he woke up.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked in the smallest voice I could imagine. He slowly nodded his head and got up from the couch and lead me upstairs.

We both got into the bed and I scooted somewhat closer to him than the previous night. He had a look of shock on his face as I moved until I was on my side, him on his back, and my head resting on his shoulder. He turned his head toward mine and smiled. With that, I slept better than I had any other time I have closed my eyes since.


The next ten days were spent sleeping or simply watching TV. It wasn't until today that Harry had to go into the Label to sign some new contracts. I was by myself for a bit. I had no idea what to do with my time, I didn't want to sleep or watch anything and I really didn't want to eat. The past 3 days I have felt a bit better mentally, but not physically. My stomach is a mess and I have had cramps all day long.

As Harry had said, the drugs have finally and officially left my body. It scared me knowing that they had remained in my system for so long. After slipping in two Advil, I returned back to bed to sleep.

6:48 PM

"MOLLY! WAKE UP!" I heard a voice shouting, but I couldn't. My body was taken over as I relived every moment of that night. I could still feel his hand travel up my leg as he removed my dress. The kisses on my neck, lips... everywhere. I could feel them everywhere. I wanted to scream and be sick, so that is what I did. I screamed the loudest I have ever screamed.

My whole body was being shaken when I opened my eyes. I was trembling, and I looked into his green eyes. They were piercing right through me and I began to panic when he didn't move. He shortly did afterward.

"Are you alright?" He quickly asked me. I nodded in response.

"Are you sure? you haven't had a nightmare in nearly a week and a half." Harry recalled, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what happened, it just came back." I whimpered and started crying for the first time in week.

He took me into his arms and again rubbed large circles on my back as I choked on my own tears. Soon enough I felt tired my body become exhausted of crying, along with a headache and I pulled away. Harry slowly walked me up to the bed and I laid down. I looked at him as he started to leave the room but he saw my pleading eyes and he joined me.

We laid on the bed not touching one another but close enough to feel comfort from one another. My stomach once again started to hurt, so I turned on my side and dozed off only to wake up suddenly.

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