"Oh, really? So tell me what 'price' were you thinking of?" As so often when talking to him my voice held a sarcastic undertone.

"I think we both know what I want," he said.

I was about to answer when somebody called "Harry". I thanked God for the interruption. One second longer under Harry's gaze and so close to him and I probably would have given in to him. I didn't know what it would've lead to but I could promise that I would've ended up with a broken heart.

Expecting the intruder to be Jake, I took a few steps back and turned around to the direction the voice had come from. But it wasn't Jake. A tall blonde boy came towards us. His hair was a bit messy and he had sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans that looked a bit baggy. He looked quite cute actually.

"Niall?" Harry said, surprised.

The blonde boy whose name seemed to be Niall hugged Harry. Then he turned around and looked at me. "Hi, I'm Niall", he said with an adorable accent.

"I'm Vee", I said, smiling at him. I instantly liked him. Just like Jake he seemed to be of the sort of people that you just had to like.

"Nice to meet you!" he said and pulled me into a hug. When he let go, Harry still looked surprised.

"I didn't know you were in town."

"Yeah, I just arrived. I went to your house but you weren't at home so I knew I'd find you here," Niall explained. The broad smile never seemed to leave his face.

Harry noticed my interested expression. "Niall's my brother," he stated.

In that moment I was quite proud of myself that I didn't stare at both of them with my mouth agape. They didn't seem alike. Not at all. But this sweet and happy boy was smug and too self-confident Harry's brother. What a strange world this is.

"Is Jake with you?" Niall asked. "Haven't seen the lad in a while." 

"Yeah, sure. Wait I'll get him, he's over at the restaurant trying to get something to drink," Harry answered. He turned to me. "Do you need anything? Something to drink?  Something to eat?" 

I recovered from my shock of finding out about Niall being Harry's brother. "No, thanks, I'm fine." 

Harry started walking away. 

"Aye, man, bring me some chips, I'm starving!" Niall screamed after him. Harry turned around and rolled his eyes at his brother. "Thanks for asking, anyway," the cute blonde muttered next to me. Then he faced me.  


"So?" I asked, just like I had a few minutes ago before Niall had interrupted mine and Harry's very intimate conversation. Which made me realize at once what Niall wanted to know, given he had witnessed the situation. 

"Oh, Harry and I... we're not... I mean... we're not..." I stuttered, not sure how to explain it to him. 

"In a relationship?" Niall tried to help me, flashing an adorable smile. 

"Yeah, exactly what I wanted to say," I answered, glad at least someone was able to express my thoughts, even if I wasn't. 

Niall's clear blue eyes narrowed at me and his smile widened. 

"What? We're not in a relationship!" I exclaimed. 

"Yes, I know," Niall said, obviously amused by my reaction. 

"You don't look as if you believe me," I noted. 

"Look, I've known Harry ever since he was born. Harry doesn't have relationships. He never had one. Not a single one. He has sex, that's what he does. And not even more than once with the same girl. He doesn't even have a friendship with benefits. So believe me when I say that I know you're not in a relationship." 

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