Chapter 12

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"That does sound crazy," Detective Mark Jessup said. He was sitting with his partner, Bree, as they looked over her intel at the station. "But it's probably crazy enough to be true."

Bree nodded. "Trey Dawson worked for the Dovers when he was a teen."

"Doing what?"

"Pool boy."

Mark frowned. "He was the pool boy? How cliche."

"Well, his father was really the pool man but Trey usually tagged around as an assistant."

"How did you find this out?"

Bree held up a file. "Juvenile records. Apparently, he was caught stealing from the property which was a big no-no."

"So what are the chances that he happens to be the one who drove the truck into St. Anthony's?" Mark asked.

"Pretty slim if you ask me," Bree answered.

"What if you're wrong though?" Mark scratched his chin. "What if it was Calista getting close with our criminal, Trey Dawson, and not Sebastian?"

"You're thinking she fell in love with him and years later they drove into a church for some unknown reason? I doubt it. She was a party girl."

"Another crazy scenario," Mark said. "But isn't it possible her wild side might have been urged on by Trey Dawson? Like I said before, he might have been an exciting experience for her."

"Well, we can be positive of one thing." Bree tossed Trey Dawson's file on her desk.

"What's that?"

"The Dovers are both very suspicious people."

"So, today you want us to attend this dinner?" Calista asked, staring at the black and white glossy invitation

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"So, today you want us to attend this dinner?" Calista asked, staring at the black and white glossy invitation. She was still dressed in her work attire. "Am I dressed okay? What if I don't remember anyone? Will they get upset?"

Sebastian shook his head. "Don't worry. These aren't people you've met before so you can be comfortable around them. It's just going to be some shareholders and people from the company. Nothing too fancy."

"Will the legal team be there?" Calista asked a little too nonchalantly.

Sebastian raised a brow. "Is there a particular reason you want to know?"

"No, of course not! I was just curious."

"It's possible. I didn't arrange the dinner. If I could avoid it I would."


"It's just a bunch of rich men trying to one up one another. Who has the bigger car, bigger bank account, hottest date..."

"How awkward for you," Calista murmured.

"Awkward how?"

"Well, you're bringing your sister."

Sebastian grinned. "This is actually a great opportunity for you, Calista."

"How so?"

"We're showing them a united front. I dare them to speak ill of you behind your back. It also shows them you're serious about taking a more active role in the company."

Calista nodded as they approached the reserved meeting room which was decorated in a black and white color scheme. Circular tables were set up so guests could sit to eat. A large buffet ran against the back wall and Calista quickly made her way towards the food.

"Are you that hungry?" Sebastian asked.

"Aren't you?"

He shook his head. "There are a few people I have to meet, so you go ahead."

Calista noticed all the other women were wearing cocktail dresses, she looked down at her black suit and frowned. "Are you sure I'm dressed okay?"

Sebastian placed his hands on Calista's shoulders. "You're my sister. You'd look beautiful in anything. Now go eat something. I'll catch up with you in a bit."

Calista nodded and made her way to the buffet. She saw a plate of sushi and picked up the tongs to put some on her plate. Her tongs hovered over a large piece when another pair of tongs collided with hers.

"Oh, I'm sorry--" Calista looked up into the eyes of Adam Hargrove. "Oh, it's you."

"Uh...yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. He gestured towards the plate of sushi.

"No thanks." Calista frowned. "I suddenly lost my appetite."

She turned to walk away when Adam's voice stopped her. "Ms. Dover, did I do something to offend you?"

Calista was turned away from him but she silently snarled and mouthed his words in a mocking way.

"If I did—"

"If you did, what?" Calista whirled back around to face him, a hand on her hip. "What would you do?"

Adam looked around before lowering his voice. "I'd apologize of course."

"That's it?" Calista asked.

"What else would you want me to do?"

Calista eyed him up and down. "I don't know. I'd have to think about it."

"So, did I?"

"Did you what?"

"Offend you?" Adam asked.

"What do you think?"

Adam actually smiled. "I just met you not too long ago so I can't imagine what I could've done but clearly you're upset with me so I must've done something."

"Not necessarily," Calista said. "Haven't you ever come across a person that you instantly disliked? Maybe you were enemies in a past life. Or maybe you just know that another person is going to be a jinx in your life. Whatever the reason, you can feel the dislike to the tips of your toes. That's never happened to you?"

Adam's eyes widened and his mouth opened but no words came out.

"Somehow, I didn't think so." Calista looked around. More guests were coming towards the buffet. "I wonder what kind of person you are."

"What do you mean?"

"On the outside you look like a good person."

"Thank you," Adam said quietly.

"But then there's this feeling I have about you. It makes me want to see you fall for some reason."

He was still quiet, looking at her blue eyes.

"Shall I test you?" Calista grinned. "Shall I see what type of person you are?"

"How would you do that?"

Calista smiled and waited a few moments until the other guests were close enough to overhear her practically shout, "Mr. Hargrove! That joke was very racist. We don't say words like that in this company!"

She huffed away in a storm of indignation, leaving Adam to face the angry eyes of his fellow guests. Calista giggled. That was very immature but she didn't care. Adam Hargrove was going to rue the day he betrayed her. She turned her head back to catch a final glance him when she bumped into a stranger.

"Owww. Watch where you're going," a female voice hissed.

Calista sighed when she realized she had bumped into none other than Adam's new girlfriend, Yvonne Barrette.

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