Chapter 4-boiling blood

Start from the beginning

"I see why you have you're degree" I take this as a compliment not an insult. Although my curiosity on the matter hasn't degraded one bit.
"You want to know what I did?" I nod slowly but surely.
"I fucked you're mother" he lays back head off the chair and his laughter deep and husky filling the room. My blood boils and I find this absolutely useless. I stand up hesitantly and go towards the closet to find plenty of food including Nutella and a loaf of packed bread. I take it out and look around for a knife while opening a bunch of drawers.

"What are you doing Adeline?"
"Making myself food, I'm famished would you like some"my heart pounds loudly although my words are full of fake confidence.
"I'll give it to you, you are not like the others. But beware when you sleep for there are things lurking in the shadows." I scowl at his accent toying with words of a youth.

"You sound like my grandmother" as I speak I feel warmth collide with my back as his hands clutch the counter in front of me.
"I wouldn't use knives around me, princess" I look to my right hand where the knife with Nutella on it limps ever so slightly and my chewing slows down completely.
"You don't scare me. Nothing does" I feel his body mesh closer into my back and my hands clutch the counter. I was on the brig of shitting myself out of fear. I could feel how toned he was and how strong. It would take ten seconds for him to snap my neck and this dress made it all worse as he lays his head upon my neck causing my hole body to freeze. His hands dropped lower towards my bare legs and I was growing uncomfortable.

"Do not think for a second that fear will not kill you here. Because fear is deaths partner in crime and trust me love, you won't last a day in my home" I turn around knife in hand and ready to charge but he grabs my arm and twists it as I shriek in pain till the knife clatters to the floor and my body is crushed flat against the wall.
"If you're looking for someone to beg for you're mercy and grovel at you're feet I am afraid you should just kill me now" no not really.
"Such brave words little mouse." He releases me and walks lightly as if a ghost out of the room leaving me with a throbbing pain in my wrist. To say my hunger had gone would be an understatement now I would have to find some way to get out of this dark hellhole.

But the windows were to high up to jump down from and the door was locked through chains.  And frankly I had no Bobby pin and no way of breaking them seeing as the chains were molded together and barbed by painful wire. The only way out was through death or a strange kindness by the captor but that was unlikely.

So I was stuck and had no way out. My only hope was that someone would come along and hear my yells. Which were infrequent since psycho had yelled for my yells to cease. Or he would cut my tongue out.

All I could do was sit and wait and pray. Pray loud and clear.


I had somehow retreated to the couch and when I awoke sunlight beamed throughout the whole condo. I was grateful for this and to see the chains from the door removed. I run towards it in silent hope but when I come to it the door opens and reveals Satan.

"Trying to leave little mouse tsk tsk" I move away slowly and watch as he comes in with bags after bags after bags. I scowl and wait till he finishes and rebolts the door without allowing me to see.
"What is this?" I ask he brings a few after a few into a room with a simple queen bed with cream sheets and silk covers. When they are all inside he grabs one which isn't very large.

"Here, six packs of always pads incase you have you're thingy, 7 packs of birth control pills I went into you're medical records and got you them so you don't have you're thingy. And 10 bottles of shampoo made specially for morons with dyed hair." He had already emptied like six bags and moved on to the other twenty.

"Clothing so you don't complain. I also brought you that" he beckons towards a brown luggage which was opened and had plenty of my clothes if not all spilled across the suitcase which was, mind you, rather large.
"You broke into my house" I turn towards him but he doesn't notice.
"Don't look so surprised."

And then he took up the two last bags which looked rather heavy and dumped them on the bed. "Here plenty of books to keep you busy" I thanked God that they were classics and although the titles looked familiar I was sure some of them I had not yet read.

"But I have to work"
"No you don't" he begins to clean up the bags and I run after him.

"You have to let me go" he turns to me instantly.
"NO" his yell causes chills to arise upon my skin and his eyes were dead set and serious.
"Please I won't tell! I have family please!" The strike came so fast like lightning and the blow caused me to fall upon the ground. I felt my eye swell as the tears collectively fell.

"Go!" I get up and obey leaving the room for my own before shutting and locking the door behind myself.

I was never gonna make it out of here I knew that and so did he but somehow I was content on proving myself wrong.

But for now I was to see to the nasty bruise I am sure has evolved on my left eye.

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