Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

JJ sat on the cold basement floor for hours on end. She was so glad that she had sent Will and Henry away. If they were caught up in this she didn't know what she would do. She wished that she could talk to them. Just to hear one of their voices would mean so much to her right now. She started to remember the day that she and Henry were playing soccer in the yard. He woke her up so early she didn't even really feel like playing, but she did because she had promised him the day before. JJ laughed out loud at how Henry would kick the ball so wrong. If I want to see moments like that again I have to find a way out of this place she thought. JJ started trying to get the duct tape that bound er hands loose. He had put it so tight. The bastard. She started twisting and turning. No luck. She looked around for something that could possibly cut it. She found some trimmers in the corner by the wall. If only she could get over there. She started dragging herself by her forearms. She was almost there when she heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs. She stopped cold. "aah I see you're trying to get to the trimmers right" He laughed. "so typical" JJ looked up at him " you're sick" "she said . " oh I'm the sick one? I'm not the one that gets pleasure out of watching women and children die!"He said getting angry. JJ looked so confused. "what are you talking about?" JJ asked " shes so fucking innocent isn't she?" he asked no one. JJ stared puzzled. "you honestly don't remember me do you?" he asked. " how am I supposed to remember you? You have on a damn ski mask, you coward." JJ yelled. He pulled the ski mask off and grabbed her by the hair " now you remember bitch?" JJ couldn't believe it. It was Brent. Brent Potter. She remembered working on a case with him involved. His wife and son were murdered. What did he want with her? Seeming like he read her mind he answered " you watched my wife and son die and did nothing about it" He pushed her to the floor. She sat back up " No! That isn't what happened Brent your family was dead when my team got there" Brent began pacing the floor "your team? No agent Jareau you were there first one there you WATCHED them die you could have stopped him, but you didn't " " the man that killed your family was psychotic Brent, he killed your family, that's who you should be angry with" Brent started pacing the floor again. This couldn't be true he thought. Shes playing you. "when I walked into the room Brent, it was too late. I did what I could. I tried my best to help your wife, to keep her breathing Brent, but I couldn't there was too much blood." JJ said hoping he'd get the point. "You promised me!" he yelled "You promised me that they would be okay, that you would find them alive." JJ said nothing. There was nothing that she could say, he had his mind set. Brent calmed himself " but that's old news" he said. JJ noticed the dramatic change in his voice, she was so confused. " were gonna start over" he said with a smile.

She remembered how he had called her his wife before. Brent picked her up and walked her towards the trimmers. He began cutting the tape that bound her hands and feet. When he finished he pushed her towards the stairs "hurry up i'm hungry"

It had been a whole day since Emily had seen JJ. Her mind raced to what ifs. What if she was being hurt right now? What if she never came back? What if she never saw her again? "has anyone contacted Will?" Morgan asked. " I don't think we should contact him right now" Hotch answered "why?" Reid asked " he'll only slow us down, he would want to come and help get her back" Emily answered.

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