Chapter 2

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Authors Note: if you want more chapters, review and tell me please otherwise *shrugs* lol

Chapter 2:

JJ drove home that night thinking that something was not right about the mechanic that worked on her car. She quickly shook the feeling off. Nothing mattered now, her car was fixed and she was heading home to her husband, son, and loving bed. Tomorrow would be a fresh start.

He sat in his truck and watched her drive off. Watching her tail-lights fading into the night pissed him off. She didn't remember him he thought. Somewhere in his mind he already knew that she wouldn't remember him. Thats okay though because he would soon make her remember. "shes fucking getting away" he screamed at the top of his lungs. The veins in his forehead bulged against his skin "She always fucking gets away" he whispered. He then let the tears roll down. He sat there for a very long time until he mustered up the strength to pull off and drive home. He had a lot of work to do.


The whole team was in the BAU's office except for JJ. She was almost half an hour late. The team started to get worried, JJ was almost never late. Emily tried her cell one more time. Just then JJ rushed through the doors with files spilling everywhere looking uncoordinated. "I'm so sorry guys" She said sounding out of breath. "its okay lets just get started on the case briefing" said Hotch. Pretty soon they were back on track and headed to Roanoke. JJ started to fall asleep 10 minutes after the teams truck pulled off. "are you okay?" Emily asked jj concerned written all over her face. JJ answered without opening her eyes "yeah, I just didn't get any sleep last night. Henry was up all night refusing to go to sleep because of the monsters" She held up her hands in makeshift quotation marks when she said the word monsters. Emily laughed "oh hes in that stage" "yes he is, and not to mention my car broke down late last night." JJ said repositioning herself so that her head lay on the window. "oh really?" Emily turned around from her seat in the passenger side. "yup, it was the perfect scary movie scene" JJ said as she sat up convinced that she wouldn't get any sleep today. Emily chuckled and looked out the window as Morgan pulled into Roanoke's local police station.

He made sure that the little bastard and his father were long gone before he walked into the house. The house wasn't junkie, but lived in. The bastard boys toys were on the floor and table. A bowl full of milk and one cheerio floating on top sat on the table from his breakfast that morning. His anger was building. How dare they act like the perfect family. He pushed a lamp to the floor and enjoyed the crashing sound it made. His blood felt like it was boiling. Just standing in their housed pissed him off big time. He let out a horrifying scream of anger. He picked their flat screen television up and threw it to the ground. His big combat boots began stomping the screen into tiny pieces. He didn't stop until he was almost completely out of breath. He did the entire living room the same. He went into JJ and Wills bedroom and slashed every family picture that he saw with the hunting knife that he always kept in his pocket. He flipped their bed over, and destroyed everything in site. They were not the perfect family.

JJ came home and was shocked at what she saw. She didn't notice the mess. no. She noticed the word "remember". It was written in huge letters on her wall, in blood.

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