17- Timing

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Nick's POV

The butterflies in my gut were going haywire.

As I looked at the finished product, all I could do was stare.

In a few short hours I would have the answers to the story of my life.

My mind had been made up a long time ago, but I just needed to give her time to figure out what she wanted her life's path to be independently.

I didn't want to seem like I was pushing her to do anything she didn't want to do, so I waited until she gave me signs.

When I leave, she wants to know where I'm going.

When I smile stupidly at her, even if she's angry, she can't help but to smile back.

When I'm upset, she tries her best to make me happy again.

She can't sleep well at night unless I'm with her. She's always cranky the next morning if I fall asleep in my home studio, and she has to sleep without me.

These are not things that she told me, because Anna is a very introverted person, it takes a lot to get her to open up about her feelings. These are things that I noticed happening over time.

In the beginning, she didn't really mind sleeping alone. Sometimes she'd stay in bed until close to noon. But now, even with the pregnancy, she wakes up at the break of dawn just to be cranky all day when she has to sleep without me.

Huge ego booster.

This is part of the evidence to knowing she can't live without me.

I looked at the clock and jolted into action realizing I only had ninety minutes to get ready and set up everything.

Just as I was going to the guest bathroom to bathe and change, the doorbell rang.

I rushed to get it, hoping it was someone who could greet people as they came. I still needed to add a few finishing touches.

It was my mom and dad.

And Alex and Beth.

And Amour and Aiden.

Basically almost everyone I'd invited to come.

"Jesus Nick, why haven't you freshened up by now?" My mom chided, "You do know timing with things like this is everything." She rolled her eyes, and began to give herself a self lead tour of the house.


Anna's POV

"This is the last time I'm going to ask before jumping out of this moving car, where are we going?" I almost yelled at Ariel.

"Contrary to your own personal belief, you would never jump out of a moving vehicle. Plus you have you father blocking the only exit, I put the child safety lock on your door. And for the final time, it's a surprise. Now continue doing your makeup, you're on the verge of taking my breath away." She punctuated her compliment by adding a saucy wink.

I rolled my eyes becoming more and more irritated by the second.

The stupid tapping of the driver's fingers against the wheel.

The way my dad's head kept falling back with the movement of the car in his slumber.

The sound of vibrations coming from the phone keyboard of the bodyguard in the back seat.

The fucking mysterious glances Ariel kept sending my way.

I was ready to claw someone's eyes out.

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