7-Seriously!? Seriously. (part 1)

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Anna's POV

It had been a whole month since we moved into Alex's old penthouse, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, Nick was growing on me even more. I didn't know if that was a good thing or bad because if I was being honest, I still had way more feelings for him than a little bit.

And I would be birdshit stupid if I said the feeling wasn't reciprocated at all. Although he hadn't confessed all of his feelings for me, he showed it in his actions.

And his paintings.

I knew he was talented, but I'd never seen paintings of his like that.

The ones I saw were mostly abstract or landscapes. These were portraits. Of me.

It was amazing that he'd gotten details that I wasn't even aware of. I now knew I had a freckle behind my right ear and when I frowned a dimple formed in the center of my forehead.

He had plenty of pieces that made me blush. He'd done all of them by memory.

When he showed them to me, he was very shy about it. They had covers on them in the back of the studio when we were moving some of his things out. He came in to get a few of his works at the front and I'd wandered to the back.

"D-don't look at those they're hideous," he tried to dissuade me. "I could never do the real muse justice." He said coming back to block them from me. Before he reached me I'd quickly pulled the canvas cover off.

When I saw it, I had to look at it for a good five seconds before it dawned on me what it was. Then the blush bloomed on my cheeks.

"Who- who is this?" I said baffled with a jealous rage starting in the pit of my stomach. But as soon as the question was out, I noticed the birthmark on the inner thigh of the woman. The inner thigh of me.

"I-it's no one?" He answered making it sound more like a question.

This almost made me laugh because Nick never stuttered. He even made it a point to tell me this on the second meeting we had. I don't really know if it could have been the same as a date.

When I looked at the pictures again, I felt another blush rising in my cheeks, but I also felt a bit of triumph, proudness, followed by nostalgia then anger. You can blame my pregnancy brain because then I wanted to cry.

Nick's face went from shy embarrassment to panic once he saw the tears glimmer in my eyes.

"No, no don't cry. I didn't want to- I mean you were so beautiful then and-"

"And I'm not beautiful now!" I yelled through my tears.

Oh lord I turning into that crazy lady.

"No that's not what I was going to say. You were so beautiful in that moment that I never wanted to forget. I - I'd memorized every part of you. I didn't know I would have to put it on canvas until you didn't answer my call at the end of two weeks." He finished with a look like he'd just had the foul taste of a chewed up aspirin in his mouth.

This made me feel bad and I'd wanted to cry even more. I tried to hold it in but I could only do so much. I even puffed my cheeks out to will the tears back in. "I'll never be what you remember again. I'll be all fat and flabby and you wouldn't want something like tha-"

"Baby fat eventually goes away and even if it doesn't, it's my baby that caused that and quite frankly, I find that knowledge way more sexy than I think you could even begin to understand." He came to stand behind me. His arms encasing me and our baby bump."Your body has changed because of me. Because a part of me is growing inside you." He kissed the side of my neck, "This way no matter what happens you will always be, in some way, mine. I can't explain why, but I find that sexy beyond belief. I'm weird I know." He finished.

That made me laugh, and what he did to me that day on the floor of his art studio will never have me questioning my beauty in his eyes again.


Back to the present, today was the day that we'd get to go see what we were going to have.

I know. By six months we should already have a truckload of baby stuff and we do. All thanks to Nick and Alex's handy man tendencies, we already had a room set up with the baby furniture. I had chosen a cherry wood for everything and the walls would stay white because this wasn't our permanent home. Myself and the baby I mean. Just as I thought that the baby started moving around. I jumped. I would honestly never get used to that.

I was just sitting on my bed looking looking longingly at my shoes. My feet and ankles were very swollen today so I decided to were a pair of Jordan shoes that I splurged on a few months back. I don't know why but I just found these shoes very appealing and they were on sale for only fifty dollars at the time.

Now I know exactly why I bought them, they feel like heaven on a pregnant woman's swollen feet. They give the right amount of support and comfort without being floppers.

But the problem was, I didn't feel like putting them on and tying them up. Nick was in the shower so I couldn't call him right at the moment. Therefore, I was sitting on the bed having a staring contest with the shoes. I could just put on the flat slide-on shoes but my heart just wouldn't be content, and my feet just would hate me.

So I sat on the bed for another five minutes glaring now at the shoes before Nick emerged from the shower. When he looked at me, I was still pouting at my heavenly shoes.

Without saying a word he went over to the dresser, he came back and kneeled in front of me. He had gotten my favorite pair of fuzz sock and put them on my feet. Then, as I watched in a concentrated daze his every movement, he reached for the Jordan's I was staring at before and slipped them on to my feet for me and laced them up.

I just looked up into his eyes and the next words sorta slipped out because I was in shoe-feet heaven. Or at least that's what I'm telling everyone until the day I see the light.

"I think I love you Nick."

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