12- War

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Anna's POV




What just happened?

I just sat in the seat dumbfounded by the recent events of my life. I mentally recollected everything.

I got Jordan to help me leave the hospital peacefully.

I went to the airport to book a flight anywhere, just for a little while, until I could figure out my next move. Thinking back, I don't think I would have stayed away forever, he deserved the right to his child. Everyone should have the experience of love from both parents. Every parent should have the opportunity to love and care for their child.

When I realized Nick was here, because he came after me, I felt loved.

When he told me he loved me, I instantly changed my mind about leaving because I could feel the depth of his revealed feelings. I knew he would never allow anything harmful happen to me, my child, or the rest of his family for that matter.

When he walked away from me, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I'd never felt like I'd lost so much in my whole life. Including the minute my parents didn't believe me and I'd felt like I'd lost them.

Nick, I now knew, loved me with every ounce of his being. And I loved him back ten times over that.

I loved him enough to stay right where I was a confront my fears face to face. I loved him enough to stop running.

*1 Week Later**

Here I was standing outside of his art studio. Mentally running through what I would say to him when I saw him for the first time since the airport. This is the first time he's left his apartment. I didn't want to disrupt him at his safe haven, so I waited. And waited for the day he'd leave his home and go somewhere. I'd even decided if he went to the grocery store I'd pretend it was a coincidence I'd seen him there.

I know, I sound like a stalker but that was something I was willing to do just to talk to him.

I had confided in Ariel right after the airport incident. Leaving out nothing. And knowing Ariel, he already knew I hadn't left. I wouldn't even put it past her if he already knew I was visiting him.

I knew he was present because I saw his car in the lot, but it was a Sunday so no one else would be here.

I took a deep breath, pushed open the door and walked past the empty reception desk. I didn't really know where I was going because I'd never been here before, but I continued to walk wherever my feet would carry me.

At the end of the third hallway I had ventured down, I heard muffled music playing. The source of the music was the last door at the base of the hall, which was slightly ajar. The song was the familiar 'Take me to Church' by Hozier.

I peeked in and saw him facing away from the doorway, painting. From the fluency of his body movement I could tell he'd been working for a long time and he was extremely focused on whatever his muse was.

One minute he was painting, the next he was throwing the painting to the ground. "I bet you're happy to know I can't get you out of my head." He said in a low voice, as if to himself, not looking my way, walking to the back of the room towards a blank canvas and fresh water colors and pastels were. I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or not. He hadn't turned around or spoken directly to me.

I was hypnotized by the painting he threw. It was of a human back, my back, I realized as I observed the replica of my tattoo on my shoulder.

When I looked up, I don't know how long I was transfixed by the portrait, he was staring right at me with so much intensity my heart skipped a beat.

I breathed deeply and stepped into the room. "D-did Ariel tell you I was coming here?" I asked with an embarrassing quiver in my voice.

He just shook his head, averting his gaze away from me. I was surprised when I noticed the slight blush in the apples of his cheeks. "I could feel you staring at me." He said in a forced nonchalant tone of voice. I knew it was forced because... I could here the underlying emotions in his voice.

"H-how'd you know it was me?" I asked, just processing his statement.

He blushed once more, which made me suspicious, but I said nothing. "I-I could just feel it okay?" He said in frustration, "What is it that you need, I'm busy."

"I never left." I said lamely of course he knew that. "I mean, you made me stay." I said in a smaller voice.

He stopped what he was doing with his pastel and observed me for a minute. I didn't avert my eyes through the whole ordeal: not once. He let out an ironic chuckle, "I find it ludicrous that when I finally stop chasing you, you decide to stay." He said, then picked up another pastel and continued working. "Are you ready to tell me why you were ready to run yet again?" He asked. I could taste the venom in the question.

Was I?

The only way he would understand where I came from, and why I did what I did would be the truth. I pondered the notion for a full minute.

When I looked at him, again, he'd stopped drawing and was staring at me with the same palpable intensity from before. He didn't even look like he was breathing.

I slowly nodded and went to sit on the stool in the back corner of the room before my knees gave in. My throat suddenly felt dry. A huge lump was already growing and I hadn't even spoken one word. "D-do you have anything to drink?" I asked, trying to mentally prepare myself for a long dreaded walk down memory lane.

He silently exited the room and and came back with a bottle of lemonade within one minute.

I took a swig absentmindedly rubbing my baby bump.

I had been talking for at least two hours by the time I was finished with my life's story.

I'd smiled, I'd cried, I'd flinched at some parts. Through it all, Nick just sat there listening to me, comforting me when he knew I needed it.

His silence made me uneasy at first, but then when I looked into his eyes I knew the feeling was for nothing. I don't know what I saw but, each time it made me continue talking until I reached the last time I ran.

The last time, I decided, that I would ever run away from Nick. He was my strength when I was weak and scared. He was someone, I realized, that I needed: the person that, I now knew, would be able to survive the darkness and enjoy the light with me.

But the decision was now his. I'd lost that choice the day I decided to run away and not believe in his ability to protect us.

And now, I decided, was my time to try to win his heart back. The war for his heart between me and himself will be won by me. I'm not going to lose him again.

I'm not that damned stupid.

Author's Note

Ahhhhhhh! Today is the last day of break and probably the last update for a while.

I wish I could've wrote more but I was very busy with winter break projects, basketball tournaments and things.

On a better note... I went from 500 followers to 2k in two weeks. Wow!!!! You guys are awesome!!!!!!! Also TMB peaked at number fifteen in Romance on December 26, 2015.

I. Was. Ecstatic.

So I thank you guys for that.



as always

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