11- Do You Love Me?

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Picture is of what I envisioned Nick looking like. But everyone has their own imagination. I listened to this song writing this chapter, it was perfect. Their whole album was perfect.

Hope you like it
Merry Christmas (eve)

After she left I grabbed my bag and went down to the reception area to fill out my discharge papers.

When it got to the part about who's care I was being released into, I initially put myself down. However, the receptionist said in my condition I couldn't technically do that. She also didn't fail to mention that whomever I chose to list in that spot, would have to be verified by a phone call present signature.


My options were very limited. I could either say I was going to stay with someone in the Wright family and alert them of my discharge right away or I thought with reluctance, I could see if my other family could lie for me, just this once I'd never have to call them again after that. I just need the Wright family to remain safe.

What if they still hate you?

What if they still love him?

What if they have disowned you?

Who would pick up the phone?

Would they even pick up?

Would they even do it for you?

All of these questions were bottled up into only a few seconds of inner debate, but with my options so scarce, without thinking too much about my other options in that moment, I decided that one call wouldn't hurt.... too bad.

I dialed the seemingly foreign number on the payphone directly inside the foyer of the hospital. Of course a big ugly security officer had to guard me during my conversation, just in case I'd decided to dip.

As the phone line buzzed and then rung alternately, the speed of my heart quadrupled and the butterflies in my stomach turned into frantic bats.

On the final ring someone answered. "Hello?" A voice that I didn't recall greeted me.

"U-um... hi, is Mr. Or Mrs. James available? " I asked sounding too professional for my liking. They were supposed to be my parents after all.

"Yes, may I ask who I'm speaking to?" The voice said.

I took a bit longer to answer than necessary. I didn't know if I should the the person the truth or not.

"Tell them... it's an old family friend." I directed her, praying she would take the bait.

"Sure." She said hesitantly. I closed my eyes hoping it was my mother to come to the phone. I waited for about thirty seconds when the same person came back to the phone. "They want a name ma'am."

"Anna." I replied after a pause for contemplation. Here goes nothing.

Another long pause. This one lasted about three minutes but it seemed like it was forever.

Then the unmistakable voice of my mother came through the line. "Anna, love! Where have been? Is this you? We've missed you so much. Ky-"

"Can you just tell the people here that I'm being released into your care," I interjected quickly so I wouldn't have to listen to her talk about him. "After that you won't have to deal with my drama for another two years maybe even forever this time." I finished almost bitterly.

"Anna where are you. I'll come get you, bring you home... you know we all miss you so much."

"We don't need that." I said, my voice a lot sharper and louder than I intended it to be and I also spoke in plural which was not intended whatsoever. "All I need you to do is tell the people here that I will be fine with you, then things can go back to how it was before I called."

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