8-The way It Is.

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Beth's POV

I was going to kill him.

My very own brother tricked me into going out on a date with him.

I sat waiting with bated breath for him to say something but he just stared at me. I decided it was time to leave. This sexist asshole was just a big waste of my time every second I was near him.

Just thinking about what he said yesterday boiled my blood. The Bastard!

I stood up in a fit of rage heading towards the door.

"Beth please wait." I continued walking, this bitch just didn't know I was saving his ass too.

"Wait! Baby don't leave me! I can't live without you!" He yelled loud enough for literally the whole restaurant to hear.

I was going to fùck him. Up. Fuck him up. Yeah.


When I turned around I could have just about killed him. Every other woman in the restaurant probably could have kissed him, but they did not see the sarcastic look in his eye. He cocked an eyebrow at me, daring me to walk away with all of these witnesses around.

I stared at him for an extra second. I looked around to see all of the spectating eyes on us and knew that they would be, no doubt, listening to our conversation.

So instead of sitting back down, like I know everyone hoped, I gave Hayden the most fake mega watt smile I could muster. I walked back to him and loud enough for him and the people in a five foot radius of us, said "How about we get out of here and go somewhere a little more secluded?"

I could tell my suggestion threw him for a loop, but he only let his confusion show for a split second before nodding back. "Whatever you want babe." He said still playing the submissive emotionally vocal boyfriend, that he was absolutely not.

I turned and walked away while he paid the bill for the food we did not eat.

Only when I got outside did I realize I had no fùcking car.


I felt his hand at the small of my back which gave me chills, as he lead me to his car. He knew that was one of my spots, that's definitely why he decided to touch me there. He knew it was like touching me there.

"What do you think you're doing? You know I'm pissed at you." I hissed as him.

As we reached his fancy little sports car, he opened the door for me.

I just looked.

"Are you going to get in?" He asked with sarcastic patience.


"So then why did you come to the car with me?" He asked sounding confused.

"You know why I came to the car with you." I said irritated. This little innocent game he was playing was really starting to piss me off. The effects that his mere presence had on my body was unnerving.

"No. I don't. Would you care to explain? " He said tilting his head as if he was trying to figure out an extremely difficult riddle.
"No. I would not." I spat back at him and turned finally deciding to disengage myself from stupidity 101.

Once again my retreat was halted by him. This time it was more physical. To say the least.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him so that my back was to his front. If I wasn't in shock I would have moved away so quickly the contact would have almost been imagined.

But I was in shock so my body instantly melted into his because of the fact.

When his lips made contact with the left junction of my shoulder and neck. My brain turned to mush.

"Please, get in the car Beth." He asked but the command was hidden in his tone.

The saying usually went, my mind was telling no but my body was telling me yes.

That wasn't my case.

My mind, body, and soul were screaming yes.

Anna's POV

Okay now that that's over I'm really hungry." I said as Nick was driving down the road heading in the opposite direction of the penthouse. "Where are we going? "

"Wouldn't you like to know." He said giving me a sideways glance as his main focus was still on the road.

I hated it when Nick would keep secrets. Because he let's you know he has a secret, then stops talking, leaving you in suspense.

"Yes I would like to know. There's no other reason I would ask." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my tone.



Okay was his answer. I absolutely hated this. He wasn't telling me where we were going, and I'm pretty sure we weren't going to freaking Oklahoma.

"Well let's stop at Wawa, I want some of their ice." I stated, absent-mindedly rubbing my bump.

He scoffed, "Their ice?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" I asked honestly wanting to know. I hated it when I was eating something I craved and people would look at me like I had five heads.

"No it's just that that's a mild craving compared to pregnant women you see on T.V. or read about in those sappy books. Especially Ariel, she used to make Alex go out in the middle of the night to get her some of the weirdest things. She asked for sardines and mint ice cream once." He gave an involuntary shiver in disgust as he pulled into the service station.

That.... I could understand that. When you're a pregnant woman you want what you want.

"That's understandable." He looked at me in horror.

I stared back.

We were like this for about thirty seconds before my cravings hit me full force.

"I'm going in because I might want something else." I started to get out of the car, but caught his smirk. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said his smirk transforming into a full on smile. "I'm going in too."

As I got my cup I noticed something, the lids were way up high.

You see, I'm a little vertically challenged so that's no good thing.

I filled the cup up with ice, then I put a few drops of lemonade to give it some flavor. As soon as I was about to go look for help to get the lid, Nick reached up grabbed one and handed it to me. This was one of the reasons I loved him, he always knew what I needed and never hesitated to give it to me.

I just wasn't going to make the same mistake of telling him again until I was ready. That whole debacle was just a slip up. But when the realization that it was true hit me, I was not ready for it. So I stopped his denial so I wouldn't be so heart broken.

I knew he loved me. And I also knew I couldn't stay with him forever.


Authors Note

Sooooo, how is everyone?

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. But as I said before, school and real life stuff comes first.

This was almost a filler chapter. Then I decided to rewrite it because I kinda hate those in other books.

So, should I make it a trilogy?
Or....... no?

Let me know in the comments.

And also some very comical characters from the last book are going to be in the next chapter. ❤

Until next time

Thanks and kisses


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