16- Home Sweet Baby Jesus

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Anna's POV

It had been one month since the whole ordeal at the hospital.

The baby had been moving around much more frequently in the last few days... which tended to be very distracting. It was a good kind of mental detour because usually when I get worked up about something, he wanted to do what felt like cartwheels in my womb.

Nick had been... nice.

He gets into his moods when I yell at him over introspectively stupid things.

Blame it on the pregnancy hormones okay.

I didn't talk to him for over three hours when he ordered regular cheese and pepperoni pizza. I was pissed because I specifically asked him to get pineapples and anchovies on it.

In hindsight throwing the pizza box on the ground a stomping on it with the pizza still inside was a bit much, but in the heat of the not so hot moment, I snapped.

I honestly believe he still ate the damned thing, but after apologizing to me for about thirty minutes he went into his makeshift art studio and didn't come out for a long time, I missed him after a while so I broke in and just admired him.

I didn't say anything when he looked up, but our eyes met. So many words were said with only one look that I knew I was forgiven.

After my silent apology, we went to sleep that night.

I hadn't heard anything about the progress of Kyle's case. I feel like the detectives and Nick were trying to keep me in the dark about what's going on.

I wanted to know, but at the same time I didn't.

Nick had been searching for apartments with security for us to call a home. I was getting sick of living in Alex's old penthouse, but I refused to allow Nick to buy an entire house for us.

I wasn't ready for that, not yet anyway.

Today was the day Ariel was coming over so that we could go shopping for the baby. We had a temporary nursery set up with just the crib and changing table, but I wanted to get him little stuffed animals and what nots.

I invited my dad along with us. After the whole ordeal at the hospital, he decided to stay in town for a while. He said he just needed a break from my mother.
He didn't need to give me any more explanation than that. However it'd been a month and he hadn't called her or even talked about her.

Nick was on commission in Boston so he couldn't come with us. Although, I don't think shopping is his favorite thing to do. Especially with his very hormonal pregnant girlfriend.

When there was a knock at the door I wasn't surprised because front desk used the intercom to notify me of Ariel's arrival. My dad decided to go and get the car with security mumbling something about fresh air and exercise.

We went to mall with about a half dozen security guards. Ariel went into the baby store and nostalgically ran her hands over the baby clothes. I noticed a far away look in her eyes but decided not to speak on it.

"Anna-bug look a here." My dad called from across the isle. He hadn't called me Anna-bug in over a decade, he usually called me that when he really wanted me to do something. He was holding up what looked like a little old man golf suit for a new born. It even had the cutest little beret hat. The little polo shirt was green and the shorts were plaid and had a mixture of at least five colors. The only thing I liked about the outfit was the hat, but the smile on my dad's face was brighter that any I'd ever seen from him.

"It's so cute." I said through clenched teeth.

The nickname worked every time.

The rest of the shopping trip went on in a blur, with Ari and Dad picking out clothes they really liked.

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