Chapter 2

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"I beg your pardon?" Aquaria asked in bewilderment.

"A fairy godmother" the queen replied.

"My apologies your majesty, but I can only disappoint you, I am not suited for the job. Kindly reconsider" Aquaria pleaded in a casual tone.

"I have been silently watching you Aquaria Waters. My judgement cannot be fallacious. It is a great honour for a fairy to have this job and you will have an opportunity to venture outside Eupharia"

"Your majesty, she is just being naive. It's an honour" Mr. Waters mentioned.

"But I said I can't, besides you can hire my friend, you see she's very good at it, I mean the love making thing, I'm just not interested in love stories" Aquaria persuaded.

"Its not a request, it's an order and as a subject you do not disobey your queen" the queen stated sternly.

"But.." the queen raised her hand signaling her to stop.

"Tomorrow you shall be here in the morning, no later"

Everyone were dismissed soon after. Aquaria felt like the most unfortunate person in the whole world while her parents were gleaming with pride.


"You're happy with this?" She asked that night at dinner.

"Why wouldn't we honey? people actually give up their whole life for this and you know that" Mr. Waters said.

This also means that I have to stay away from you for as long as I don't succeed"

"Darling, we know you'll be able to do this, believe me"

"And what if I don't, I'll be stuck in the fairytale forever"

"That won't happen"

"The tale is so tough as well, how do you suppose I can even get into that depth with that prince, the depth which no creature can cross? Is the princess not some creature? How did she cross it and why did it have to be so deep? Why not some cave?" Aquaria began anxiously.

Her mother took a seat next to her and looked into her eyes while holding her hands "Just remember one thing Aquaria, nothing is impossible, you just need to think and figure out a way"

Aquaria pouted at her mother.

"Tomorrow is a big day for you, wake up early" she kissed Aquaria's temple and left her to sleep. Aquaria couldn't stop thinking about it now, she couldn't sleep well the whole night.

The next morning, she woke up to the song of merry birds and other creatures.

"Perhaps they're happy I'm leaving" she muttered to herself and rolled her eyes off.

After she dressed up in her leafy hooded tunic paired with hosiery and leafy boots, she noticed that her mother had packed her backpack which was made of flower petals and leaves.

"Was this necessary?" She sighed looking at her mother.

"It has all the things, you'll ever need"

"What is in there?"

"Whatever you wish"

"Don't play riddles with me mom" Aquaria folded her hands in annoyance.

"Its a Cuprico bag, you just have to wish for whatever you need and you'll find it inside"

"Amazing" Aquaria said plainly.

"You may not love the idea, but the adventure will soon pique your interest and when you get back home, you'llreceuve the greatest honour in Eupharia"

A Fairy Godmother In Love (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now