Chapter One: New Faces in Forks

Começar do início

"I'm Jasper Halen." He said, his jaw tight.

"Ya, Jazz is my little bro." Rosalie said and Jasper ruffled her hair, which she punched him in the arm for and smoothed down her hair.

Something was off about the whole bunch, and I couldn't put my finger on it. "What are your first hour classes?" I asked hoping I could lead them there and ignore the odd feeling.

"Biology." Said Edward and Bella. Then there was a third voice that chimed in, saying the same thing. The owner of the voice came out of the car.

"Oh, this is Cody." Edward said walking over and clapping his hand down on the guy's shoulder.

"Hi..." I said, trying to remember each name and face. 'Lets see, Edward and Emmet are brothers, R-Rose-Rosalie,' I struggled to remember the blonde's name. 'Rosalie and Jasper are brother and sister. Alice and Bella are sisters.... and then there was Cody.' I smiled at him, not showing my teeth because I knew they wouldn't be as purely white as the rest of them. "I'm Clara." I said holding out my hand to shake. So far none of them have shaken my hand yet, but when I held it out Cody came straight forward and shook it. His skin was sweltering hot, like I was holding a mini sun, yet it was cold at the same time.

"Nice to meet you." He said in a nice tone.

"Okay, well I have Biology first so, Cody, Edward, and Bella, you can follow me." I said with a smile. "As for Rosalie-" 'SUCSESS! I SAID HER NAME RIGHT' I thought triumphantly. "Emmet, Alice, and Jasper. What classes do you have? I can help you too." I said with a polite little smile.

"Emmet and I have English. But we can find our way." Rosalie said flashing me a smile.

I nodded my head and looked back and forth between Alice and Jasper. "We both have Math, but we got a map." Jasper said holding up a folded sheet of paper. "So we are fine."

"Okay, well then, it was nice meeting you." I said before I glanced at my clock on my phone and looked up desperately. "We should go now." I told the group that I was leading as the others departed in different directions.

We made it with seconds to spare, and when I sat at my counter, I remembered that one of these three are going to be my lab partner. They seem so nice too!

I sighed and leaned forward in my chair as Mr.Gale sat Edward and Bella at the counter in front of me, and sat Cody down next to me. 'Great, I have to start with this one.' I thought sadly. I never tried to drive my lab partners away, it's just that they give up when I zone out, when I start to doodle, or on occasion when I prove them wrong. 'When am I going to learn.' I thought shaking my head.

By the time class ended I had actually managed to not zone out and answer question after question without hesitation. 'Well Tuesday isn't seeming that bad now.' I thought full of triumph.

I walked out and down the hall to my next class, stopping at my locker and dropping everything off and walking to the gym sadly. I had to change into a yellow tee shirt and blue shorts. sitting down in the corner I watched them viciously play volleyball and before long, my team was up.

I started playing and on the first serve, I caught it with my face. Falling backward I bashed my head on the wood gym floor and the coach was yelling at me to get up and walk it off. 'Jerk.' I thought as I got up, rage spitting out of me. I may not be athletically inclined, but I can still spike a ball. When the ball came sailing over the net I jumped up and hit it with such force it hit the ground and shot back up, once again at my face. 'I swear to god there is some magnet on this ball that's attracted to my face.' I thought as I left the court, ignoring all of the yells from the coach, and walking down the hall.

Twilight Morning Sky (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora