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You entered one of the rec rooms. You looked around to find a spot to sit. You spotted Dr. McCoy sitting alone, reading a PADD.

You shyly walked over to him and sat down in front him.

"Hey, McCoy. What are you reading?" You asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just reading through medical reports," McCoy answered.

"Sounds fun. Have you had breakfast yet?" You asked.

"No," McCoy replied.

"Ok. I'll get you something. Be back in a minute," you said.

In a few minutes, you came back with breakfast. You sat down and handed McCoy a plate. McCoy set down his PADD and started eating.

"So how did you sleep last night?" You asked.

"Good. How about you?" McCoy asked.

"I slept well too," you answered.

The silence grew awkward.

"Would you like to go to dinner?" You asked. McCoy stopped mid-bite and looked up at you. You instantly regretted your decision.

"What was that?" McCoy asked.

"Sorry. I had asked if you would like to go for dinner, but if you don't, that's ok," you said.

"No, I would love to go eat dinner with you. Is tonight good for you?" McCoy asked.

"Yeah," you said, smiling.

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