Tuvok - Pon Far

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You were a newly appointed lieutenant on the starship Enterprise. You were good at your job and no one complained. You also had several good relationships with your coworkers, one of which was Tuvoc. The two of you often had lunch together and you would consider him a good friend of yours. You had spent a lot of time together while the Voyager began its long trek home.

You would be lying if you said that you weren't attracted to him. Tuvok was an attractive older man and that was exactly your type. But you were most likely not his type. You were far too young for him and not of the same species. There was no way he could be attracted to you.

One day, the two of you were supposed to meet for lunch. It was a usual routine thing the two of you did but that day, Tuvoc didn't show up. He had been acting a bit off the entire day and, according to Captain Janeway, has requested the rest of the day off. Sensing that something was wrong, you went to his personal quarters. You knocked several times without an answer.

On the final knock, a voice replied, "I am unavailable. Please come by at another time."

"Tuvok, it's me," you replied. "Please, I know something's off. Please let me in."

"I said that I am unavailable," Tuvok replied. "Please come at another time."

You sighed. You know there wasn't getting through to him so you put in the code to his door. He had given it to you in case of emergency and you knew he was off that day. When you entered, the lights were dim so that you could hardly see. You saw a figure sitting in the middle of the room with his back to you. His head turned to you when the door opened.

"I cannot have you in here, y/n," Tuvok said. "I am unavailable for visitors."

You stepped closer. "Is there something medically wrong?"

Tuvok hesitated. "It is my Pon Far."

You got to his side, slowing sitting down. "That's your mating time, isn't it? Aren't you going to, you know, die?"

"Not unless I have a mate or meditate thoroughly," Tuvok replied, strain in his voice. "I am taking time off to be alone and meditate. It is the only option."

You tilted your head, watching him. He was sweating profusely and a few blood vessels in his forehead were showing. He was trying to concentrate but was struggling. He was in pain as well and your heart went out to him. An idea came to mind but you didn't know if it would work or be accepted. You could offer yourself to help Tuvok release the pain he was experiencing but you didn't know how to go about it. But you decided do a full send anyways and throw logic out the window.

"I can help you," you said softly. That was the first time Tuvok looked at you. "I can help with your Pon Farr. Let me be your mate for the night. It'll help relieve the pain you're in. Please, Tuvok, let me be there for you. We've been friends for some time now. I don't want you to be in any pain."

"It will be inappropriate for that to happen, Lieutenant," Tuvok replied. "I cannot take advantage of you in that way."

"It's not taking advantage if I'm offering and it's consensual." You tilted your head to the side. "Besides, wouldn't you be a little curious to see how things go?"

Tuvok kept eye contact with you, visibly shaking. He was clearly struggling to hold himself back. You scooted closer, resting a hand on his forearm. He looked down at your arm, a million thoughts most likely rubbing through his head. Finally he looked up at you and you knew he had given in to his urges.

Tuvok grabbed you rougher than you were used to. He pulled you in for a passionate kiss, pushing you to the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hooked a leg around his waist. You could feel how hard he was against you and you could tell he was packing a big one.

Tuvok finally had enough and got up, pulling you to your feet. He picked you up and carried you into his room, tossing you on the bed. He had a crazed look at his face and you knew it was the hormones but you still found it attractive. And with that look, you knew it meant it was going to be a wild night.


It had been a little two months since the night you had with Tuvok. He hadn't talked to you since and hadn't shown up to your usual lunch spot. You had found it strange that he hadn't joined you, as it had become tradition for those to happen but it was most likely accredited to Pon Farr that had happened. He was avoiding you because he most likely felt guilty about taking advantage of you, even though you had consented to having sex with him.

Though what was concerning was that for the past two weeks, you had been waking up with nauseous and you were beginning to think you were pregnant. It was the only way to explain it. You had gone to the doctor to see if you were sick and you weren't. When you took not one but several pregnancy tests, they all came back positive. You just had to find a way to tell him.

So when your lunch break came around, you went to find Tuvok. You find him in a REC room that had very few others in it. Sitting down in front of him, he looked up at you and leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers in his lap.

"Afternoon, y/n," Tuvok rolled. "You're here to talk."

"That's a good observation you've made there," you replied sarcastically. "You've been avoiding me."

"My apologies, y/n," Tuvok replied. "I did not intend for it to be that but I was not sure how to approach the situation. We had slept together during my Pon Farr. I am your superior officer and I had taken advantage of you."

"You didn't do that though," you said. "I consented to what we did. Don't beat yourself up thinking you took control of the situation. Besides, I have some news for you."

"What would that be?" Tuvok asked.

"I'm pregnant," you answered softly. "And it's yours. You're the only one who could possibly be the father."

A brief look of surprise crossed Tuvok's face before it went blank. "This is an interesting development. I must admit that this was unforseen but it only takes one time. Do you want to further discuss this now or in private?"

You moved to get up. "In private."

The two of you silently walked through the halls to your private quarters. When the doors finally closed and you turned to Tuvok, your arms crossed.

"I know your pregnancy complicates our relationship but I want to remain your friend," Tuvok started. "I have considered myself a life long friend of yours and I don't want that to change. If you would, I want to stay in this child's life."

"That'd be nice," you replied. "Would we remain friends or more? Because I'm fine with just being friends and being coparents." You looked in the eye. "But if things were to change, say in a romantic way, then I'd be willing to go that way. If you are as well, that is."

With an eyebrow raise, Tuvok took a second to think. "I think we should take it as it goes though clearly seriously. You will be the mother of my child and I want to be with you in the way that parents are. As we work this out as coparents, we can see where it takes us as romantic partners."

You smiled a little. "I'd love to be a coparent with you. Which one of our quarters will the baby be at?"

"Yours," Tuvok replied almost immediately. "I believe that a mother's love for their child the connection between the two is unbreakable. I want the child to stay with you until our relationship changes. Then at that point, we can discuss our living situation."

You smiled a little. "That sounds good to me. I don't mind that situation. I'm actually excited to do this with you."

"Though how this situation began is unconventional, I certainly look forward to doing this with you as well," Tuvok said. "I apologize if it seemed like I was ignoring you after my Pon Farr. I was unsure how to talk to you and explain myself. I hope you accept my apology."

"I do," you replied. "I look forward to our partnership with this child."

Tuvok nodded back. It was the beginning of a good and respectful relationship between the two of you. An equal partnership to raise the baby the two of you created.

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